Search results

  1. YewBush

    Abandoned, Abused Betta Spoiling

    I am more used to keeping female bettas than males. My college allows up to a 15 gallon, so I should look for those.
  2. YewBush

    Abandoned, Abused Betta Spoiling

    Here he is now. I think the 55 gallon will probably be fine while I get a tank set up in my dorm. My one concern is that I come home some weekends, and I would either have to leave him behind or move him a lot.
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  4. YewBush

    Abandoned, Abused Betta Spoiling

    Thank you so much! I decided to put him in the 55 gallon, and he is super happy after only knowing horrible conditions before then. I may have to move him to another tank, though, because a male pearl gourami seems to dislike him. My dorm does allow 10 gallons, I believe. Thank you again! I will...
  5. YewBush

    Abandoned, Abused Betta Spoiling

    I am living at college. I learned that some students in a dorm hall had four bettas in a bowl, with them in a plastic bag in the bowl, and toilet paper and saltines in the bowl. The custodial staff took them in. They got very temporary little tanks for each of them. I was very angry at whoever...
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  7. YewBush

    What Fish Do You Regret Buying?

    Scissortail rasboras. I got 8 of them for my 55 gallon. I grew pretty attached to them considering that I did not have them very long. I had my first experience with columnaris with them. They all died within a day of me noticing that they were sick. And getting eaten alive by bacteria sounds...
  8. YewBush

    Fish keeping absolutes

    I honestly think there should be a legal minimum for healthy adult bettas at 2.5 gallons in homes (and maybe 0.5 gallons in stores), but 1 gallon might be a more realistic start. Also they would have to still be allowed in cups during transportation. I also think that if a young child is keeping...
  9. YewBush

    Do not use anti-biotics unless you know what the problem is.

    Do I use antibiotics if my cat scratches or bites me? And do I use antibiotics in an aquarium if half the fish suddenly died from what seems to be columnaris?
  10. YewBush

    Very bloated betta

    I’ll test the water in my own aquarium to make sure it is not that hard. I will also give my mom my kanamycin sulfate medicine.
  11. YewBush

    Very bloated betta

    Thank you for the help!
  12. YewBush

    Very bloated betta

    The hardness could only be measured up to 300 though
  13. YewBush

    Very bloated betta

    The hardness seems to be the issue. Nitrate- 20 Nitrite- 0 Hardness- 300 Chlorine- 0 Alkalinity- about 150 pH- about 8
  14. YewBush

    Very bloated betta

    She is a female betta, so she is kept with zebra danios, White Cloud Mountain minnows, kuhli loaches, and a bristlenose pleco. I do not know the water perimeters yet. The scales do look like they are sticking out, and her fins might be shorter than before. My mom has had her for a year and a...
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  16. YewBush

    Very bloated betta

    My mom’s betta started getting bloated within the last 1-2 weeks. She has a 37 gallon aquarium. All of the other fish in the community tank seem fine. Here is a picture from before she was sick: Here is her now:
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  20. YewBush

    Are My Pearl Gouramis Going to Have Eggs?

    Sorry I haven’t replied. The female got a bit sick which caused them to stop for a bit. I gave her some medicine and she got better. She is just starting to interact with the male again. I will get a picture of it when I can. Thank you for the helpful advice!
  21. YewBush

    Are My Pearl Gouramis Going to Have Eggs?

    I have two pearl gouramis in a 55 gallon aquarium with 4 female bettas, 4 peacock gudgeons, a bristlenose pleco, and some assassin snails. I got the gouramis when they were babies, and one turned out to be male and the other turned out to be female. The male's chest turned orange and he started...
  22. YewBush

    Space Travel

    Actually, I'm pretty sure the most likely place to find extraterrestrial life is the moon called Europa. The outside is ice, but the inside is saltwater.
  23. YewBush

    Frustrating advice for newcomers to the fish world

    Well, once I asked what type of plant I had in my aquarium because I forgot to ask at the fish store (I know I should do research first, but it was a good price) and somebody told me it was not an aquatic plant. I am glad that person tried to help at all, though.
  24. YewBush

    Misconceptions About Fishkeeping?

    A lot of people think that fish don't feel pain. If that were the case, I don't think they would react to getting bitten by other fish.
  25. YewBush

    Our community lake

    208 liters.
  26. YewBush

    Prince Philip died

    That’s really sad. He fought Nazism.
  27. YewBush

    What are these fish ?

    I think the first one is either a silvertip tetra or a scissortail rasbora.
  28. YewBush

    Territories and interesting behaviour.

    I haven't ever owned any cichlids, but I went to a fish store where they were selling blood parrot cichlids once, and one of the cichlids would try to lip wrestle with people who got their face close to the tank. He would charge at the person and press his lips against the glass. Somebody...
  29. YewBush

    Still flashing after treatment

    I don't know. I heard that ich spots are usually around the size of a pinhead. I wish I could help more.
  30. YewBush

    What is the personality of your Betta Splendens?

    My betta, Lotus, loves to squeeze through things such as rosette swords. She also eats too much. She is a little territorial towards other fish when her log stops moving around a lot, but she's fine when it doesn't stay in one place. I saw her attack a ramshorn snail a few days ago. She is very...
  31. YewBush

    Can I turn off my filter at night?

    I use earplugs when my filter gets too loud.
  32. YewBush

    Cobra Guppy Dying

    How long has he been sick?
  33. YewBush

    Is it hard to move a 2 year old nerite snail?

    I used to have a 2 year old black racer nerite snail, but I decided to get assassin snails so I gave him to my mom. She put him in a 3.5 gallon with a betta. She is going to upgrade to a 10 gallon soon. Should we be careful when we move him? If so, what should we do? Thank you!
  34. YewBush

    Need help!

    My scissortail rasboras had similar symptoms when they all died of columnaris. They started to breathe quickly and act lethargic, and then died within 24 hours of showing symptoms. Do you see any white spots on the fish?
  35. YewBush

    Please help, my betta is breathing hard after a water change what is wrong?

    Do you have BettaFix near the tank? My mom accidentally put that in my brother's tank instead of chlorine neutralizer once, and it killed his betta. Is there solidified chlorine neutralizer on the measurement cap (if there is one)? If so, your mom could have accidentally put too little in. The...
  36. YewBush

    Tiny tetra getting bullied

    This is her
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  39. YewBush

    Tiny tetra getting bullied

    She does eat some food, but not as much as she would if she wasn't getting chased. I will look around for young silvertip tetras. The tank is a 55 gallon aquarium. Also, I will try to get 2 more tetras so that I have 10. I am having a little bit of trouble with the picture and video, but I...