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  1. G

    Another panicked noob!

    Pictures as he sits at the front of the tank not moving and only goes up for air.
  2. 20200419_070104.jpg


  3. 20200419_062752.jpg


  4. G

    Another panicked noob!

    It's hard to get a picture of him as he keeps hiding away behind the decorations or heater - but the faded colour is clear as he is a usual bright vibrant blue and now its faded with a sublet white stripe going along the body. He has whitish yellowish belly from lying on the bottom as well, his...
  5. G

    Another panicked noob!

    What size is his tank, both volume and dimensions - it's a 20L tank 26.5cm (H) x 39cm (W) x 24.5cm (D) Does the tank have a filter, and if it does what media are inside - I have a sponge filter currently running in there I was told I didn't need to add anything to it. Does the tank have a...
  6. G

    Another panicked noob!

    Hey guys, I'm entirely new to the world of fish and have had my Betta for 6 months now and have been learning as I have been going! He is showing generic signs of being ill clamped fins, lethargic and slight discoloration. This is coming off the back of him having swim bladder disease due to...