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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. reptilenotfish

    rinsing bio in tap?

    this thread has reached that point, where the information and opinions are given, and now it's just argument 😂 The fish forum formula. Thanks all for the good info
  2. reptilenotfish

    "New" to Hobby - Looking for Biotope themed aquariums

    you might be able to keep shrimp as well, neocardinia and cardinia shrimp are from asia, and could possibly breed fast enough to keep a stable population.
  3. reptilenotfish

    "New" to Hobby - Looking for Biotope themed aquariums

    there are plenty of great barbs, tigers are just pushy. If you can find wild collected tiger barbs, they are a little better. It's the commercially bred ones that are a**holes. As far as compatibility, it completely depends on the fish. It's on you to research that particular species. Most fish...
  4. reptilenotfish

    rinsing bio in tap?

    I agree, that's why sponge filters and undergravel filters are so excellent at bio-filtration.
  5. reptilenotfish

    "New" to Hobby - Looking for Biotope themed aquariums

    just so that you know, tiger barbs and angelfish can get really aggressive/territorial, and angels will breed like rabbits. Edit: some alternatives to tiger barbs are odessa barbs, gold barbs, or checkered barbs.
  6. reptilenotfish

    "New" to Hobby - Looking for Biotope themed aquariums

    there are so many amazing combos! I love that you're looking for these. here are some cool ideas off the top of my head South America - pencilfish and apistogrammas - cardinal tetras and more cardinal tetras (buy them by the dozen) - ember tetras and ram cichlids Africa - rift lake tank (if you...
  7. reptilenotfish

    rinsing bio in tap?

    All interesting, so I guess it isn't harmful (maybe just less convenient).
  8. reptilenotfish

    rinsing bio in tap?

    hey, I had always been under the impression that tap water had too much chlorine for nitrifying bacteria to handle, but i've read a few studies that documented the concentration of bacteria in sewage and water supply. does anyone have anything other than traded stories and given advice to back...
  9. reptilenotfish

    Snails in Terrariums?

    as far as care, a starting place would be to keep the viv humid and damp, and have decaying plant matter available for them to eat. just do your research.
  10. reptilenotfish

    Snails in Terrariums?

    giant african land snails might be an option. or just garden snails. Heck, snails usually just show up in mine anyway if I add collected moss or something.
  11. reptilenotfish

    Ha, no problem. Same (US History)😅

    Ha, no problem. Same (US History)😅
  12. reptilenotfish

    Haven't been on this forum in forever, so late reply. It's a toad headed agama. Here's a video...

    Haven't been on this forum in forever, so late reply. It's a toad headed agama. Here's a video on them.
  13. reptilenotfish

    Debate topic : do fish have emotions?

    Lower Vertebrates? They've had the same time to evolve as us, and pressures just as demanding. If you claim that it's simply a robotic response, wouldn't you have to apply that to the "higher vertebrates" as well? Here's an article that I think is interesting and shows a few examples of...
  14. reptilenotfish

    Debate topic : do fish have emotions?

    Wow, I love this kind of topic. I read a book titled Mama's Last Hug by an ethologist named Frans Dewall. The book was on if animals have emotions. Most of it was on corvids and primates (go figure), but He did briefly discuss a school of tiger barbs that he had kept. He saw behaviors that he...
  15. reptilenotfish

    If you could go back & forwards in time. . .

    Here's another! I would discreetly add one particular german man to the list of art school applicants who passed!
  16. reptilenotfish

    If you could go back & forwards in time. . .

    Yes! We will never discover most prehistoric species. the conditions to fossilize are incredibly rare and almost impossible in rainforests, where there is the most biodiversity. think of the millions of species that would completely change our view of this planet we live on!
  17. reptilenotfish

    If you could go back & forwards in time. . .

    ww1 was also with germany, japan allied with Germany in WW2. I believe Japan was an ally during WW1 (but don't quote me on that). As far as time travel, i'd pick up a Simosuchus (adorable prehistoric burrowing crocodilian) and visit the hanging gardens of babylon. I would also want to see the...
  18. reptilenotfish

    Pleco cleaning shell ?

    i wouldn't worry unless you actually see any damage. Turtles are resilient and shed their scutes anyway, so just keep an eye open. What species do you keep?
  19. reptilenotfish

    Newbie getting confused

    Oh, and I wouldn't worry about your water being soft, all of the fish you want are from Amazonian Blackwater rivers or swamps and rice patties in indonesia; both places have very low Ph and very soft water. In fact, if you wanted to, you could have a very natural and beautiful blackwater aquarium!
  20. reptilenotfish

    Newbie getting confused

    PH Potion? The prime will just remove chlorine and most of the other toxic chemicals that are in tap water. Do you mean that you want a lower ph? I'm really not an expert, only a few years of experience, so I don't really know a ton about different fish. apparently males are sometimes...
  21. reptilenotfish

    Newbie getting confused

    HI! that sounds awesome! just make sure all the fish have compatible water parameters. cories appreciate groups of six or more, so be aware of that. the gouramis may or may not get along with each other, just keep an eye on them, you may need to return aggressive individuals. Yes, water should...
  22. reptilenotfish

    Is this stocking good? Not sure what forum to put this in.

    don't add so many fish so quickly. slowly add more fish to make sure your maintenance schedule can handle it. Even so, why so many fish?? Wouldn't it be best to have a cohesive and beautiful display full of healthy fish, rather than a tank that looks like a refugee camp? If you go ahead with it...
  23. reptilenotfish

    Java fern flourishes in one tank, dies in the others

    javas are weird, mine were always just melting until I bit the bullet and added co2, now they are at least green. super temperamental plants.
  24. reptilenotfish

    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    hah, I agree. although rimless tanks really can't be beat. ada is a superior company (there is no getting around that) but 40 USD for a pair of tweezers is too far.
  25. reptilenotfish

    How does one afford this hobby??

    old thread I know. this hobby is VERY expensive if you let it be. My advice is to try to avoid looking at any products from ADA, UNS, Dooa, ONF, or Aquario; I can't believe I've been tempted to spend 70 dollars on just one pair of tweezers!!! While most of the time, the before-mentioned brands...
  26. reptilenotfish

    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    I thought everyone knew that! 😂
  27. reptilenotfish

    Fritz Turbo Start

  28. reptilenotfish

    Fritz Turbo Start

    just something to add, I've also seen SaerpaDesign add this to his tank. I can't imagine it's a bad product considering the care that he gives to his animals. I bet plants also play a huge role, considering they essentially do the same thing as the Beneficial bacteria.
  29. reptilenotfish

    Fish keeping absolutes

    The only absolute is no absolute. For example, I think heaters may not be as strictly necessary as we think (in most cases). temps are quite a bit lower in tropical areas than one might expect. EVERY topic in the hobby and in general is nuanced, black and white doesn't exist anywhere but in...
  30. reptilenotfish

    Sea driftwood

    I don't know, I'm landlocked where I live, but It's worth a try at least.
  31. reptilenotfish

    Sea driftwood

    i'd boil and soak it, maybe test the water to see if the salinity is rising?
  32. reptilenotfish

    UNS 5n, dry start method

    thanks, i would probably go with higher grade cherries for shrimp, this would be my first time keeping shrimp.
  33. reptilenotfish

    UNS 5n, dry start method

    setting up a uns 5n (4.6 gal) just got done with the hardscape, getting the tank and equipment on monday/tuesday I looked but couldn't find much on a tetra/rasbora/danio that wouldn't have a problem with this sized tank, so any suggestions welcome, will probably get shrimp though.
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  37. reptilenotfish

    Sometimes this forum is lonely...

    you said it perfectly! The information age isn't all mental illness and media algorithms, places like this keep these niche hobbies beating, and dialogue is a beautiful thing. imagine the hobby when it was only a couple isolated people who couldn't learn from each other outside books or the...
  38. reptilenotfish

    cheap rimless tanks?

    I am constantly planning setups or ideas for the future, and really love the look of rimless aquariums. Of course they are very expensive, and as a teenager with only a part time job, budget is everything to me. that said, is there any seller in the US that sells larger tanks for a reasonable...
  39. reptilenotfish

    Bald patch on otos head!

    I've kept four otos with a male betta in a heavily planted 6.5 gallon (30c) aquarium for a little less than two years now (don't know exactly how long), and haven't had any issues so far. Yesterday, I was watching the tank, and noticed a pale cream bald patch on one of their heads. my first...
  40. reptilenotfish

    Proposed USA regulations ending fish keeping

    the thing is, America Competes is a huge bill, and this is just a small part of it. from reading the table of contents, It's mostly foreign relations and support for the nation's industries, It's either clumsy law making, or very underhanded. Conservation is good, no doubt, but I can't think of...