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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. P

    Help with Fin Rot

    Thank you, I got some advice from different forum that I posted on and I think I'm going to try that. If it doesn't help, I may be back but let's hope it does.
  2. P

    Help with Fin Rot

    That is a normal white light but since he has a black background and the blue plant, the reflection created that artificial "blue light" seen in the picture. But I edited the photos for you, lowered the contrast and raised the saturation so the blue tone is gone.
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  5. P

    Help with Fin Rot

    It's mainly his tail fin. I haven't seen much being eaten away on the top.
  6. P

    Help with Fin Rot

    Hopefully this helps. He gets really excited when I come up to the tank and won't stop moving so getting a good picture is not an easy task with him.
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  10. P

    Help with Fin Rot

    Unfortunately, no. I have guinea pigs as well and I can't even find a vet for them in my area because they're "exotic." I can't find any vets that work with fish around me
  11. P

    Help with Fin Rot

    Hello everyone, I have my betta in a 5 gallon tank and I've had him a while but now he has fin rot. I was having trouble with the filter in his old tank and unfortunately he got fin rot due to that, but now he's in a new tank with a much better filter. I've dealt with fin rot before and was able...
  12. P

    Betta Fin Injury Regrowth

    Well I am not doing as many water changes as I was during the Nitrogen Cycle process and I believe that might be why he's not biting his tail anymore. I'm just not sure whether I should be worried that it's not getting any better. It's not getting any worse though.
  13. P

    Betta Fin Injury Regrowth

    I got my betta almost two months ago. He got fin rot at the beginning because I was having trouble dealing with the Nitrogen Cycle. I added aquarium salt and the fin rot cleared up and even got some fin regrowth. About probably half way through the Nitrogen Cycle, I think he was stressed because...
  14. P

    Betta Fin Rot and Nitrogen Cycle

    I have done that but I will try everything you guys suggested. Thank you so much!
  15. P

    Betta Fin Rot and Nitrogen Cycle

    I have been adding some aquarium salt. I know for a fact that he did have fin rot a couple weeks ago but it looked a lot different than this so I was questioning whether it was fin rot or stress. So thank you. I actually did add filter media from the big tank but the filter media was only...
  16. P

    Betta Fin Rot and Nitrogen Cycle

    Ok thank you. Do you have any idea where to get live plants online? I can't really go out right now to get anything. I will not do as much of a water change. It definitely needs more decor but I don't have much more. I put a few decorations in my 38 gallon established tank, hoping that it will...
  17. P

    Betta Fin Rot and Nitrogen Cycle

    Thank you. I've had tons of fish tanks in the past and have honestly never had an issue with the nitrogen cycle so doing a fishless cycle honestly didn't really cross my mind. I have not added anything besides my betta. And some decorations. I haven't really been able to go out and get anything...
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  19. P

    Betta Fin Rot and Nitrogen Cycle

    I'm having a lot of trouble and have not been able to get the answers I need. I've had my betta for a month now and have been trying to cycle the tank, but no luck. He is in a 5.5 gallon tank. He had fin rot which I had seemed to get under control and he even had new growth on his fins, but...
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  21. P

    Betta Fin Rot

    I did not do a fishless cycle. Mainly because I have had multiple fish tanks in the past and never had an issue cycling the tank with fish until this one. This one I'm having trouble with for some reason.
  22. P

    Betta Fin Rot

    Thank you. His tank is 5.5 gallons. I usually do a 50% water change every other day and 75% the other days. I feed him once a day around 2pm. He eats everything I give him. He doesn't allow any to sink to the bottom so I don't think that's the issue. I also vacuum the poop pretty often, usually...
  23. P

    Betta Fin Rot

    My betta had fin rot a couple weeks ago and I started treating him with aquarium salt and it worked amazingly. He had fin regrowth and was looking really good. I finished the treatment and now he's starting to lose parts of his fins anymore. He doesn't have the same brown/black around the...
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  25. P

    API Quick Start vs Tetra SafeStart Plus

    I've been having issues cycling my tank and have been doing research. I see a lot of good reviews for API Quick Start and Tetra SafeStart Plus but I am curious which one works for everyone else or which you would recommend. And if you don't like either, what other suggestions to you have for...
  26. P

    Ammonia levels won't go down- moving cycle along

    I could try that, only issue is I can't really leave the house right now to get things. Can you order them online? Or is it something I will have to go to my LFS for?
  27. P

    Ammonia levels won't go down- moving cycle along

    I have done that but it has only been a few days so I'm hoping that will help.
  28. P

    Ammonia levels won't go down- moving cycle along

    I just started a new tank (5.5 gallon that I've had for years) with a new betta about 3 weeks ago. I've had multiple tanks, 38 gallon, 55 gallon, and a few betta tanks in the past. About a week in, he wasn't acting right so I checked the ammonia and it was super high. Since then, I have been...