Search results

  1. Mumzy

    Where to find betta rescues or breeders

    Thanks guys totally forgot about craigs list. also that makes perfect sense about pet stores, id love to do that, but actually around here the bettas are always in tip top condition since everyones animal people around here, even in walmart, and all the pet stores keep their bettas in aquariums...
  2. Mumzy

    Where to find betta rescues or breeders

    We don't have a place that does that right now i dont think. im sure ill find a way if i keep to local communities?
  3. Mumzy

    Horrible fish keeper

    Welcome to the forum! I'm new too. I have a problem with memory as well from taking medications for my pre-existic mental disorders too, which during times I've had rough patches has caused me to forget about my african clawed frogs. Mine passed recently at 13 and I definitely saw ways where I...
  4. Mumzy

    RIP my favorite fish

    I'm sorry for your loss my heart goes out to you and our fish friends. Losing a fish to me has been almost like losing a cat or dog at times. For algea lighting like sunlight, and I think maybe full spectrum light bulbs, help algea grow more than anything I've seen. If you aquarium is really...
  5. Mumzy

    Where to find betta rescues or breeders

    Haven't had a betta fish, or a fish in general since I was a teenager. I've been drawn into getting one again past few months! Considering getting between a 5-10 gal. If 10 gal maybe adding a divider (one where they cant see through) And having 2! It/they will be lone fish since they've seemed...