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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. C


    I saw a lot of posts about snails, but no real answers about whether they are good or bad or how do I identify these rabbits that popped up out of nowhere? I might be a Christian, but I’m beginning to believe in spontaneous generation.
  2. C

    ATO and filtering city water.

    I got a breeder box into which I add water. This allows me to top off manually as you say.
  3. C

    ATO and filtering city water.

    Phoenix, does Brita cause issues or should I use city,(county), water?
  4. C

    ATO and filtering city water.

    My humidity is low and the water level drops in a week or two. Is there a fairly simple ATO and prefilter to use house water supply to top off a 55 planted tetra tank.
  5. C

    Plant Suggestions

    Nooo.! If you do duckweed, please, segregate it with dams to prevent it from taking over and shading the whole tank.
  6. C

    Can you actually buy fish online?

    Professional aquariums like The Georgia Aquarium buy fish from suppliers often and probably online. They receive shipments almost daily if not weekly. It is a good way to buy fish and other aquatic life that are not normally found in the local stores.