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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. T

    Am I overstocked?

    How would it impact the DG, ram and rasbora if I make the temp 25 C? I really would like to add at least 2 more cories, but I am concerned about overstocking the tank. Thus far the DG has not been too aggressive towards the ram. Occasionally he will chase the Ram for a short distance.
  2. T

    Am I overstocked?

    Unfortunately, I dont have room for another tank. :( I have a fluval 106 canister filter which I think is quite good as a filter.
  3. T

    Am I overstocked?

    Yeah... I got the DG very recently and the ram has been with me since I started the tank so I am more inclined to keep the ram. In the next week or so if I feel it isn't going well then I will most likely return the DG. I'd still have the issue with the ram being at the bottom of the tank but...
  4. T

    Am I overstocked?

    I have a 20 gallon tall with the following fish: 6 espi rasbora 1 gold ram 1 male dwarf gourami 3 julii cories 3 red cherry shrimp 1 nerite snail I have some driftwood and quite a few low tech plants. I want to add one more julii cory and a few shrimp, but feel I am pushing the tanks stocking...
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  6. T

    Rapid breathing from most fish in tank

    I did a 10 gallon water change yesterday (20 gallon tank) and the fish are breathing better. I have not gotten a chance to do the next big water change, but I will within the next two days. @Colin_T I took a look at the post you linked and it was really informative. I definately will put more...
  7. T

    Rapid breathing from most fish in tank

    Thanks for your answers. I am doing a large water change right now and will do another one tomorrow. I get a lot of my advice from a LFS and he recommended Melafix. Now as I am looking more into the med itself and it seems like a poor solution. The more I think about it the more the idea of...
  8. T

    Rapid breathing from most fish in tank

    Usually its about 25% every two weeks, but since the issue started it's been about 25% every week. I've used one treatment of melafix+primafix and two treatments of prazipro. 5 gallon chance between each treatment.
  9. T

    Rapid breathing from most fish in tank

    Thanks for the responses. I've had these fish for a few months and they did not have any breathing issues before which leads me to believe it is something else than oxygenation. I will do a few water changed in hopes they will get better. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
  10. T

    Rapid breathing from most fish in tank

    Hi all, My tank is being ravaged by a sickness and I cannot figure it out. Tank info: 20 gallons, 1 blue german ram, 3 julli cory, nerite snail, DI/RO water with equilibrium, Fluval 106, 26.1 C temp, 6 months old, few java fern, one anubias, weeping moss, and one rock decoration from petsmart...
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