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  1. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    What is this?

    I'm sure I know the answer and this will soon be a dead thread. But here we go. Is this Algae? Hot water and consistent rubbing best ways to remove this? Can I use a clean painter's putty knife to remove it? please see attached picture. Bonus points for the name of what this is called...
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  5. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    Loud Filtration

    tried that XD
  6. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    Loud Filtration

    I have a hang on back filter here's a picture Note: there is a lid that when on top it vibrates making noise.
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  8. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    Sand For fish friends

    Sand! Soooo I want to be cheap. Sand is kinda pricy when I can get it for free. I know the best place to get free sand is sand by a nice lake. Let's say that's not an option is there anything bad about taking sand from say a sandpit for my fishes??
  9. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    Loud Filtration

    I need some advice. My 55 gal tank is cycling and being prepared for new fish. I just bought the tank a few days ago. It came with a filtration system. it is quiet at first but hours later it makes the lid vibrate and is loud and annoying. What's the reason for this. I need thoughts and advice...
  10. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    New API Test kit

    Wow, thank you both Never knew any of that! All my Tank has in it is store-bought aqua rocks. and water. No plants. normally I have artificial plants but I took them out for the time being. I'm willing to bet anything it's the C02 for harshness difference. Keep You posted when I check nitrate...
  11. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    New 55 Gal Fish Tank Cycle

    This is why I buy water. The water I buy is soft water and my tap is hard water. This lets me have more types of fish. :) So yes fallowing better to change your water type than trying to change or use my hard water on soft water fish. I guess most people don't do this LOL
  12. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    New 55 Gal Fish Tank Cycle

    Good point. In the case of ocean water, I meant saltwater fish.
  13. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    How to Reduce Aggression in Tank

    Too small of the fish tank is your biggest problem.
  14. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    New API Test kit

    Update I tested my tap water what gave me more questions than answers The readings are as follows PH 7.6 High range PH 7.4 <---why???? ( my fish tank reading is 8.2) Ammonia 0.25 Nitrate N02 0 ppm Nitrate N03 0 ppm Since I added the water conditioner to the fish tank I have not tested my...
  15. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    First Tank Help needed please

    In regards to my post @Essjay is more on point I have been corrected in a post I made. 50 percent weekly is correct :p
  16. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    New 55 Gal Fish Tank Cycle

    Thank you @Essjay and @Byron I'm still pretty new and I appreciate the correction. One last question though. How is it possible to get the water quality for fish like pictus? I don't think anywhere has tap water that is on point with fish like this. If you get from the ocean IDK how legal that...
  17. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    Not sure if emergency but my guppy has a reaaaaally long string of poop hanging from him

    should be fine mine had long strings of poop before. always falls to the bottom of the tank and is not super common.
  18. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    New API Test kit

    Ty @Byron I don't have live plants just the information above. I tested and it's a well-known fact our water has chlorine IDK if that's the same thing as chloramine. I have not tested the tap water for ammonia (and nitrite and nitrate). Ill do that though. the test kit i use is called API Fresh...
  19. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    New API Test kit

    It's a 30 gal tank I bought a 55 gal so it had to be moved. so it had a 75 percent water change. It holds gosh like 50 -100 guppies I just used a tap water conditioner to the water after the test. Thanks for that advice :) This tank has been running for at least 1 year. Never had very many fish...
  20. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    New API Test kit

    Note this is a crowded fish tank... Note I just did a 75 percent water change yesterday My ammonia is 0.25 ppm Nitrate N02 0 ppm My Nitrate is N03 5.0 ppm Few questions Because I never had a test problem before. Should I get API quick start for the ammonia problem? how big of a concern...
  21. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    New 55 Gal Fish Tank Cycle

    with all due respect that was in the 70s a lot of that stuff in that information. The book I'm reading had copyrights text in 2005. That being said there is a time gap but septical how big of a difference that would make. if I was to test if water change plays a significant role in the...
  22. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    New guppy mama

    when I started I had 4 20 gal tanks two broke so sad :( honestly, I don't think there is such a thing as too many tanks. unless your house foundation cant hold any more weight LOL
  23. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    New guppy mama

    You're in good hands with @ collin_T Welcome to the forms I too started out breading guppies and now I have a ton and upgraded to a 55 gal tank just the other day. In other words, u came to the right place
  24. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    Who Has The biggest fish tank Pictures please!!

    Lets find out I have a 55 gal but I'm sure there are people with bigger ill send a picture when set up. It's still preparing to be used. Too new for pictures.
  25. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    Who Has The biggest fish tank Pictures please!!

    LOL go good call that's cool too! However, since you said that I made an edit :)
  26. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    New 55 Gal Fish Tank Cycle

    My point is my tap water is very hard water. not soft. whereas store-bought filter water is soft. Guppies do well in hard water I use tap water Pictus use soft water So I buy that water from the store there is a rule of thumb. Get fish that agree with your water instead of trying to play god...
  27. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    New 55 Gal Fish Tank Cycle

    With all due respect... REGULAR MAINTENANCE TASKS DAILY ● Check the thermometer; if the water temperature has changed, the heater or the thermostat may be faulty. ● When feeding the fish, watch out for any decline in appetite, since this is usually a sign of illness. ● Check the lights above...
  28. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    it's unethical
  29. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    Who Has The biggest fish tank Pictures please!!

    I have to know! Edit: That you own
  30. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    Newbie Woes

    Just spreading knowledge. before I did not know there were such types. U are right freshwater fish don't like salt.
  31. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    I'm going feed my guppies to a bigger fish
  32. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    Newbie Woes

    freshwater fish don't tolerate sodium but there are types of fish that work in fresh water and saltwater. And as we know saltwater fish tolerate sodium just fine. i believe correct me if I'm wrong they are called Brackish fish species
  33. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    New 55 Gal Fish Tank Cycle

    25 percent every 2 weeks or 50 percent once per month I thought @Essjay
  34. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    New 55 Gal Fish Tank Cycle

    Water hardness ya, i was thinking water hardness. But My tap water has chlorine added to it. Because it's very hard water. Don't ask why there is chlorine this is a rabbit hole I don't want to go down. Do i really need to do 50 percent every week that seems way overkill? Heater. You need one...
  35. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    Newbie Woes

    First off changing your water is very hard on fish. Stay with one kind of water quality. Different fish have different water quality needs some like soft water some like harder water. Better to get water that suits your fish than playing god with water. Many factors can affect mass fish deaths...
  36. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    First Tank Help needed please

    Rule of thumb is to do a water change once a month. 25 percent or 50 percent every 2 months. someone may correct me on this. Even if levels are normal it helps reduce levels getting higher and prevents added chemcials into water. prevention is always best. start right end healthy. ^-^ Edit I...
  37. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    New 55 Gal Fish Tank Cycle

    1. Okay so maybe I need a bigger heater then :/ 2. So I should get a test kit for calcium carbonate? Whats dH stand for? do I need a test kit for that too? "Is this tank newly set up with no fish yet? If it is, don't forget you need to cycle it before putting any fish in there. As you have...
  38. Freshwater Sucker Fish

    Too many mutt guppies - AGAIN

    Sooo I have the same problem I had Two fish tanks and tried separation of males and females. This is hard though because it is sorta hard to tell them apart when you have so many. They bread-like wildfire. Under the right conditions. This is why they are a good starter fish. There are different...