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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. vanalisa

    Word Association Game

  2. vanalisa

    Introducing Wink’s new parakeet friend! Name suggestions?

    Blynken From the Dutch lullaby poem "Wynken, Blynken, and Nod".
  3. vanalisa

    Word Association Game

  4. vanalisa

    Word Association Game

  5. vanalisa

    JuiceBox52 - January 2022 Tank of the Month Winner (17 to 30 gal)

    Omgoodness... Just spit out my drink this was so funny
  6. vanalisa

    Word Association Game

  7. vanalisa

    Word Association Game

  8. vanalisa

    Help! Betta is lethargic and is breathing heavy

    Betta can be tough little fellas! I know this is going to sound weird but he sounds like he's exhibiting cat-like behavior and telling you just exactly what he feels about you moving him around changing his water messing with his lifestyle lalalalala
  9. vanalisa

    Aquarium rock expert opinions

    Don't forget live plants they help with everything!
  10. vanalisa

    Word Association Game

  11. vanalisa

    Aquarium rock expert opinions

    I agree about to mature filter media. And I think people for the most part tend to overstock. I think one has to be honest about whether or not they can keep up with the tank and then gauge their fish stocking accordingly. If you do it that way then you might get more enjoyment out of your...
  12. vanalisa

    Word Association Game

  13. vanalisa

    Help! Betta is lethargic and is breathing heavy

    Oh I'm sorry I just jumped in there a little bit too quick. ... I'm sending hugs and prayers to your little one !
  14. vanalisa

    New baby betta has white spot on tail

    Move this to the tropical fish emergencies section and you will get answer sooner.
  15. vanalisa

    I just dont know...

    Way to go upgrading your tank with live plants!!! 🥳 I think we have a future tank of the month entry in the works! I wanted to give you kudos for entering your tank for the last contest... Even when it wasn't where you wanted it to be!
  16. vanalisa

    New baby betta roxy-organs visible

    Too cute! I can't tell because of the reflections I just was wanted to make sure there's a heater in there...
  17. vanalisa

    General Help With My New Nano/Shrimp Tank

    Wowzers!!! who would have ever thought there'd be so much information in this thread I love it love it love it thanks everybody! @Rocky998
  18. vanalisa

    JuiceBox52 - January 2022 Tank of the Month Winner (17 to 30 gal)

    @Colin_T ... Come on now don't spoil the fun!
  19. vanalisa

    Word Association Game

  20. vanalisa

    Reviving old hobby with my son, cammelanus worms, ich, and equipment failure. Good times!

    See! 😉 I have actually taped a heating pad next to an aquarium before... I know it's strange but I also know it helped. It was a small 10g, and I had to make sure I kept it turned on, because they automatically shut off after a certain amount of time. Obviously this wasn't a permanent...
  21. vanalisa

    strange egg/ white thing in my aquarium

    Yeah get a better picture if you can I want to know what the strange thing is, too!
  22. vanalisa

    Word Association Game

  23. vanalisa

    JuiceBox52 - January 2022 Tank of the Month Winner (17 to 30 gal)

    This "peanut betta" better make an appearance for the fish of the month contest..... There's been a lot of talk but I'm not sure the fish really exists 🤔 🥜
  24. vanalisa

    Aquarium rock expert opinions

    If you're nervous about how many fish you have in your tank or about overstocking just ask some of the experts on here start a new thread about it. Sounds like you're running damage control pretty well in regard to the cycling.
  25. vanalisa

    Aquarium rock expert opinions

  26. vanalisa

    Word Association Game

  27. vanalisa

    Betta Tank & Questions

    This looks great! I always have to agree more plants more plants more plants. Okay now that you know how I feel about plants. 🥳😂😃... Please put your fingers around and under the heater between the wood all around the inside of the tank and see if there's some place your Betta make it stuck if...
  28. vanalisa

    Huge mistake... Im so mad at myself...

    I love your style!
  29. vanalisa

    Woo Hoo, I got somewhere to live

    Remember all of us when you are feeling down ♥️. We are a powerful force in your life even if it is online . You are never alone 🕊️
  30. vanalisa

    Are they eating eachother?

    You will be fine.... Yes, they take forever to grow. If you want to find the eggs look at the very bottom of your stem plants on the stem part you'll see little square items that look like tags. If you want you can raise them in a separate tank... I've never done that though. I had two...
  31. vanalisa

    Word Association Game

  32. vanalisa

    Word Association Game

  33. vanalisa

    Word Association Game

  34. vanalisa

    Word Association Game

  35. vanalisa


    @Colin_T You must be full of other wise I know you would have sniffed out this thread !