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  1. F

    Took The Gamble

    Agree, v nice Prochilodus!!
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    Wildwoods Is In Trouble

    This is bad news. Great shop, awesome stock. There are quite a few fish shops around the Enfield area but none of them come close to Wildwoods really. Wholesale Tropicals is a great shop - more personal and better advice than Wildwoods perhaps. But, as CFC said, doesn't have that many larger...
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    Annoyed At Having An Alkaline Ph

    Bolivian Rams are in fact found in the Rio Mamore drainage system in Bolivia and Brazil where the ph is 7.6!
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    Monodactylus Kottelati Sighting In London?

    That's awesome, great find indeed.
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    West/central African Planted Tank

    Hi everyone, At present the lighting in my 36" by 12" wide by 18" high tank is very low - all I've got in it in terms of plant matter is a large piece of bogwood on which Java fern, Anubias and Java moss are attached. It's a great centrepiece and I feel that the rest of the tank doesn't do it...
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    I'm Stunned

    That's awesome! Look forward to seeing your tanks in a future mag...
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    Tiger Fish

    Hey dude fair play. Sorry I was abit lairy. Don't junvenile campbelli look like that and then develop more pronounced bars as they get older - like your fine specimen? Having said that if these fish have been in the shop for 2 years then they're unlikely to be juveniles and thus I'm probably...
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    Humphead Glassfish

    Tank's probably just about big enough but I wouldn't trust fully grown humpheads with your pencilfish as the former have pretty big mouths. Cheers, Luke.
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    Tiger Fish

    Surely if it was stressed then it would be totally dark and washed out and not have bright cream markings on it. Campbelli are like that normally...that's what makes them so damn sexy. You'd have to be pretty incompetent to mistake one for a stressed microlepis or whatever in my opinion.
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    Tiger Fish

    Woo! How good am I? B) :hooray: That's awesome cane, if you've got the money then why not go for it? Cheers, Luke. What shop is it by the way?
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    Last Night One Of My Abf's Bit The Dust

    Damn that sucks dude :( Very odd too...
  12. F

    Tiger Fish

    There are one or two really rare tiger fish species knocking about in the trade...I'll see if I can find some pics. Here we go Datnoides campbelli. Rare as ... ! D.campbelli Probably aren't anything like this but if they are then 200 quid's probably a fair price. Cheers, Luke.
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    Humphead Glassfish

    Hey there, I'd say it's a good price. I'm in the UK and I've only ever seen them for sale at Wildwoods (probably the best shop in the UK) they were on sale for about 12-14 pounds (around $20) if I remember correctly, although they were sizeable specimens. I'd say go for it! How big's your tank?
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    Pfk Photo Competition

    Hey jimbooo, Your pics and tank are simply stunning. Great work. PFK's an ace mag and I'm sure your photos will serve to make it even better :thumbs:
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    History Of Fish Keeping 101

    Cool post. If you're interested in the history of ichthyology then I suggest you invest in a brilliant book, written by none other than the great Georges Cuvier himself, entitled 'A Historical Portrait of the Progress of Ichthyology from its Origins to Our Own Time'. Another book I've...
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    Brackish Water Fishes:

    That's ace. Can't wait for it to be released. Hopefully it will provide the necessary inspiration for me to set up a brackish tank...
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    Monsterfish (thalassophyne Amazonica)

    Hi dude, You could maybe just about get away with keeping ONE in a 1.5 footer (how wide is the tank?). If the fish is only one inch now then that should be ok for the time being but I recommend you upgrade in the future. A sand substrate is an absolute must in order for it to feed properly...
  18. F

    Most Spent On 1 Fish?

    Common name: none Scientific name: Gobiocichla wonderi Size: 6cm Region of origin: Various West African rapids, especially the Niger basin. COST: £17.50 SHOP PURCHASED FROM: Wildwoods!!! Pic/Link: Gobiocichla rock!!!
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    Aba Aba Knife

    Very interesting and intelligent fish but as others have wisely stated, needs to be kept ALONE in a massive tank. Gymnarchus niloticus
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    I Want...

    Geos would be truly awesome. Go on pica_nuttalli, live the dream.
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    It's abit risky unless you know exactly what type of rocks you're dealing with. Hopefully the rocks from your LFS will be inert (they won't alter the water chemistry - raise hardness etc) but the ones you've acquired from your drive might not be. There's also the potential danger that you...
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    Practical Fishkeeping Magazine

    Hey there, PFK's an ace mag. Get a yearly subscription.
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    Yet Another Death

    Poor guy, that sucks. :rip:
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    Is It Just Me?

    I really h8 it wen ppl write like this.
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    Ok Heres A Question....

    I think that many fish actually grow faster in shop conditions where the constant replenishment of water means that growth is not restricted by the growth restricting hormones that many fish produce. It varies from fish to fish though - in some fish the limited tank space will have a large...
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    Clarias Batrachus

    A tight fitting cover! I've seen a wild clarias 'walk' on tv and it moved like a train. Imagine if you found it sitting on the sofa or something...
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    My Tigrinus And Uaru.f

    Awesome fish! Anychance of a full tank shot? I was comtemplating getting some fernandezyepezi (sp?) but was put off by the lairy price. I'm happy with my Gobiocichla wonderi that I got instead.
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    Free Fish From Ma Syon Park

    It's dead sexy, great fish. D'you still hold with your theory about the digestive enzymes of imported Prochilodus being killed? Hope this dude survives.
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    I Converted... To Barebottom!

    I wouldn't have considered going barebottom but I have to say it looks really good :thumbs: Fish look as great as ever but it's terrible that the little white one died! it was so cool :( :rip:
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    Beech Wood/twigs

    I just give them a rinse and chuck them in, bark, leaves and all. The leaves look fantastic actually but they do obviously tend to slowly disintegrate over time so you need a decent filter to cope with the waste. Although CFC's way is probably a lot safer, I've never had any probs at all. You...
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    48x18x18- Unique And Interesting

    Hi there, Why don't you scrap the Sev (although they are great fish) and go with the bichirs and bushfish and go for a nice West African biotope? You could have some pretty cool fish - maybe some Distichodus (probably affinis) and there are some great West African cichlids about. You could...
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    Enfield Trip Mk2

    Ageneiosus are dead cool and yours looks ace. One day when I have a big enough tank...
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    How's This For A Tank Buster!?

    There's an excellent thread on Pangasius pinned here in the catfish section. Your pic. accurately justifies why we should really think twice before keeping these guys in captivity, particularly where P.gigas is concerned...
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    A Very Happy Fishmas!

    Welcome to the forum! Sounds like you're doing things the right way so far. I wouldn't worry too much about your high pH so long as you make sure that your water is the same as the shop where you buy your fish from, where they should have been correctly acclimatised to local tap water...
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    New Fish

    Whilst most aquarium literature states that Peacock gobies are very peaceful, I had one that went after my neons at night and inflicted some nasty wounds on a female siamese fighter. I may have just had a bit of a lairy one but I wouldn't keep them with v.small fish again.
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    Rio 125 Lights

    I've got a Rio 180 and my plants won't stop growing under the standard lighting. Does the 125 have two tubes or just one? Should be fine whatever though.
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    Tank And Fish Pictures

    Phwoar, wicked. :thumbs:
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    My First Ever Set Up

    Very nice tank. I'd recommend planting some Vallis at the back which will grow to the surface and look good swaying in the filter current. You might wanna also mix something in to the gravel like Laterite that will give the plants the nutrients etc that they need. Good luck with the fish.
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    What Is My New Fish?
