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  1. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    You got the coral bug really bad it seems.
  2. Krib32

    **Question of the week** | When’s the last time you did a water change?

    Haven't done one in about 6 weeks.
  3. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    I see no other reason why your torch died since your other corals were happy. I'd say it was either a sickly coral or they handled it way to rough at the store. I think you are ready for a torch. I'm not too well versed on them but I know they are an lps so I'm sure it would be fine.
  4. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    Do it
  5. Krib32


    Here are two of my guitars I'll have to get pics of my B.C Rich mockingbird and my custom stratocaster tomorrow.
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  8. Krib32


    I play acoustic and electric guitar I own 4 guitars currently and need more. I played the alto saxophone for a while but I stopped playing. I'm currently learning G.O.A.T by Polyphia on my electric.
  9. Krib32

    What are you listening to right now?

    Morgan wallen and colter wall has been top on my playlist lately.
  10. Krib32

    How soon can I add corals?

    I'd wait a month after the tank is cycled before adding soft corals and longer for stony corals.
  11. Krib32

    When a Salmon weighed 400 pounds in California.

    What happened to the ice age? there were no power plants back then.
  12. Krib32

    When a Salmon weighed 400 pounds in California.

    I mean we didn't kill the dinosaurs.
  13. Krib32

    Krib32's nano reef

    I'll have to get an update pic of my hollywood srunner chalice, it has grown alot.
  14. Krib32

    Saltwater Questions

    I spent a little over 200 dollars on my 10 gallon nano. Excluding corals, fish and snails which were about 700 dollars. I changed my water every week when it was new and now I do it about once a month since it has matured.
  15. Krib32

    Bobbitt worm

    Mine was given to me for free from the store owner. I love shoping at that store since they always give me free corals.
  16. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    Its highly recomended since they are sensitive to prameter swings. One a tank hits the 1 year mark parameters usualy have stabled out.
  17. Krib32

    Bobbitt worm

    I had an aiptasia on my hammer but the hammer won the battle.
  18. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    Its recomended to wait a year before getting an anemone.
  19. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    Cool mushroom I have been looking for one of those but can never find one.
  20. Krib32

    Starting a Reef Tank

  21. Krib32

    Yes,you DO need to do weekly water changes. Don't go for the bad reasoning put out there...

    I change my water once a month in my 10 gallon nano reef and every thing is happy and growng, even my sps.
  22. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    Also make sure to use gloves when handling those. Those are palythoas so they have the chance of giving you palytoxin poisoning.
  23. Krib32

    Stocking for a 13.5 Gallon Fluval Sea Evo Tank.

    A regular ocellaris is about $15 a fish.
  24. Krib32

    Stocking for a 13.5 Gallon Fluval Sea Evo Tank.

    I would say stick with two clowns. You could add a bottom dweller but it may not work out as a pair of clowns are very agressive towards other fish. Mine even attack my hermit crabs.
  25. Krib32

    Starting a Reef Tank

    Like stated if you want a reef tank you will want an rodi filter. You will also need Refractometer. Salt Powerhead to mix salt Saltwater test kit. (Or use the api freshwater kit with the saltwater kit color card, as the solutions are the same). Aquatic Life has a rodi filter for $60.
  26. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    Yeah it is a good Idea to put the corals on the bottom for about a week then move them up.
  27. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    Refrain from getting green star polyps until you get the algae under control. Algae will grow on it and its a pain dipping it in hydrogen peroxide every few weeks.
  28. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    Too much light causes corals to bleach too.
  29. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    Mine never swam at the surface. Can post a video? Is it possible the flow is too strong for them?
  30. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    I got mine when they were the same size and they got along well. One week one grew alot and turned into the female, it was pretty cool to watch.
  31. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    Man what a lucky mistake
  32. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    Those are some good looking clowns. How much did they cost?
  33. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    Looks cycled to me.
  34. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    Yes you probably have no ammonia I get false reading for ammonia to but I know there is none.
  35. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    My ammonia test kit turns opaque too, just make sure you follow the instructions right.
  36. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    Or none. API is notorious for giving false .25ppm ammonia readings.
  37. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    Yeah a picture would be helpful.
  38. Krib32

    How much have you spent on the hobby?

    I have about 700 dollars in corals. 300 into the tank, and 80 into fish and snails/hermit crabs
  39. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    Whats wrong?
  40. Krib32

    29g Saltwater Nano Tank

    I would add the goby first then the clowns which may help keep the clowns aggression down towards the goby.