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    Vote Now - January 2021 Tank of the Month (17-30 gallons)

    Happy New Year everyone! As a relative newbie with a busy working schedule, I had to opt for a low-maintenance approach. Admiring so many tanks I've seen on this forum, I'll post first, in the hope of throwing out a minnow to catch a whale, well, MANY whales. May the 2021 bring you healthy fish...
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    (UPDATED) Mysterious Disease (NEW pictures)

    I feel it might be lymphocystis. I have stopped removing the new growth. And no more chemical. I am just going to wait them out.... fingers crossed. Thank you all.
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    (UPDATED) Mysterious Disease (NEW pictures)

    _____________ UPDATE 2 ____________________ Texture of the bump: soft, but not fluffy (unlike cotton/mold). Its surface is not extremely smooth either.
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    (UPDATED) Mysterious Disease (NEW pictures)

    A little bit. Not extremely fluffy (unlike cotton/mold). Solid, but not hard, and the surface is not smooth either.
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    (UPDATED) Mysterious Disease (NEW pictures)

    _____________ UPDATE ____________________ On 11/18, on the very first fish having the issue, the German Blue Ram, another white bump appeared (this time, on her right cheek instead of forehead). She did rub her cheek against the rock, but otherwise ate/behaved OK. Again, the bump was easily...
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    (UPDATED) Mysterious Disease (NEW pictures)

    Update: I applied Victoria green to the quarantined fish, although they appear healthy and boisterous so far. Will let you all know if I have more update. Thanks.
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    (UPDATED) Mysterious Disease (NEW pictures)

    Thank you for the information. Someone suggested that it could be Epistylis. What do you think? I am planning to get some chemical treatment.
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    (UPDATED) Mysterious Disease (NEW pictures)

    Thank you very much for your advice, Jan!
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    (UPDATED) Mysterious Disease (NEW pictures)

    _____________ UPDATE ____________________ On 11/18, on the very first fish having the issue, the German Blue Ram, another white bump appeared (this time, on her right cheek instead of forehead). She did rub her cheek against the rock, but otherwise ate/behaved OK. Again, the bump was easily...
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