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    Pls help my guppies are dying

    Yes I have 2 Cory Dora doing fine no probs with them, and yes all my guppies I have are from when I did my first guppy breeding today the oldest one I had before breeding the white one I mentioned yesterday that had red scrape marks on it’s gills I provided a picture, well sadly it died today...
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    Pls help my guppies are dying

    Thanks for the reply one had signs of dropsy last night it was like a pine cone and bloated so I removed it from the tank, the others are pooping fine no more stringy poo I also did another water change this morning, I also use the sachem product to raise ph I have a box full of sea shells we...
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    Pls help my guppies are dying

    Thank you I can certainly take your advice on board and look for a more natural way you suggest just previously I’m told to up my ph try this or use that is what I’m told, maybe it’s what got me here I don’t know, like I previously said I had over 30 guppy fry born into soft water with no...
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    Pls help my guppies are dying

    Thanks you your reply I can gradually raise the gh and hope it helps raise their immunity, they are much happier maybe the Esha 2000 has worked also
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    Pls help my guppies are dying

    I’m sorry but I don’t find this supporting getting rid of my fish and starting over, if I can mention I don’t use all those added things they are just what I have, I only got the ph raise because it was suggested my water is too soft, Adding some fish optima and friendly bacteria isn’t a lot...
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    Pls help my guppies are dying

    I forgot to mention I also put two aquarium natural bacteria balls in also, and I have some aquarium salt I don’t add in anymore because I think it’s why I was getting a high NO3 but I’m thinking will it help my white fish heal ? It’s hard to count with them swimming around I would guess around...
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    Pls help my guppies are dying

    Hi thank you for your reply I lost another fish today a young one, I completed the 3 day course of Esha 2000 I have done a 75% water change today, Iv put some pictures of what I use when doing water change just fish health optima and ph raise which I gradually increase, I noticed on my white...
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    Pls help my guppies are dying

    Thanks for the advice, I thought I’d give it a few days see how they go, I did a 75% water change, and my fish look much happier and their poop is normal now, however there was one who was still bloated and wasn’t pooping at all, sadly it died today, All the others seem fine normal bellies...
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    Pls help my guppies are dying

    Thanks for the replies, I use dried flakes they do seem to be eating when I feed them, I havnt added anything new to the tank, there are no scraping marks, I will do another dose of the Esha ndx soon and will do a water change today, the only thing I did that may have affected the last dose was...
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    Pls help my guppies are dying

    Hi I have done so well with my first guppy breeding, they grew lovely, but recently they been dying one by one, there belly’s are swollen incl males, I tried Esha 2000 a while ago and did a 50% water change, they continued to still have swollen bellies one had dropsy so I had to let it go sadly...
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    Dead fish with no belly?

    Hi all, woke up this morning to one of my biggest cardinal tetras dead at the bottom with the whole of his belly missing? I only have these tetras , guppies and Cory Doras and assassin snail, I have had that fish a long time, I am just wondering if he died and other fish have eaten his belly...
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    Bent baby guppy

    Thanks for the reply
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    Bent baby guppy

    Hi all I just have a quick question about my first set of baby guppies i have about 20 of them all doing great, but I have one only that has been bent from birth, but I wouldn’t call it curved spine because it’s bent the opposite way, we call her the snob because she swims with her head up, I...
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    Russjw - January 2020 Tank of the Month Winner!

    Well done it’s lovely
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    Vote Now...January 2020 Tank of the Month

    I am new to aquariums and learned so much being part of this forum, still feel like a learner, but 6 months down the line here is my setup, 100ltr tank, stocked with fresh plants lower lever, upper level I have some artificial glass hanging baskets, which my fry love to hide in, I stock guppies...
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    Question about filters

    Hi I just wanted to ask a quick question about filters, are they needed and why, I was thinking about having a small circulation pump like they have in ponds, I only have a 97 ltr tank with guppies, and they do love racing in the stream of the pump, and I know it produces tiny air bubbles, but...
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    Guppy’s tail bent

    Hi I have two old guppies, the male one has had a bent tail for a long time, but today I noticed one of my old female guppy’s tail has also bent an arched, she was pregnant and quite big, but today it’s like she’s shrunk, I think she had had her fry an most eaten, but she looks really small now...
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    Can I use two heaters after cold water change

    I wish I knew that, thanks, was always told to use the cold tap cos it’s fresh drinking water, and I just treat it with tap safe, I do have a combo, my poor fish hope they don’t get a cold I don’t know why I didn’t even think of adding some boiled water ‍♀️ It was in need of a desperate change...
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    Can I use two heaters after cold water change

    I really noticed the change in the weather when I did my 50/50 water change after treating my fish with ich over two weeks, the water was freezing and I noticed some fish where not happy even a bit shell shocked, so I grabbed my spare heater I have two of them in there they are 50W and the tank...