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  1. Jennifer Gonzales

    Help! I’m moving LONG DISTANCE

    Hello all, I’m not a very experienced fish keeper... that being said, we are getting ready to move 10 hours away. I have a 40 gallon tank with 10 guppies, 3 mollies, 4 dojo loaches, 1 pleco, and a bunch of snails, as well as a 5 gallon fry tank with somewhere around 30-40 guppy fry. Re-homing...
  2. Jennifer Gonzales

    Please help- golden dojo loach

    I noticed one of my golden dojo loaches behaving oddly, just kind of floating around the tank like a limp noodle. Very unusual as I have sand substrate so 90% of the time he’s mostly buried and the other 10% he’s swimming around spastically. I looked closer and noticed there is a section near...
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  5. Jennifer Gonzales


    Thanks! I’m pretty excited!
  6. Jennifer Gonzales


    Thank you!
  7. Jennifer Gonzales


    I have guppy fry! Some are 24hrs old some are 48hrs old and 1 is over a week old. I have also discovered camallanus worms :( will flubendazole treatment be safe for my new babies or do I need to move them to a new tank?
  8. Jennifer Gonzales


    Thank you!
  9. Jennifer Gonzales


    Help! I have a pretty new guppy tank (Only had it about 1-2 months) And one of my females appears to have camallanus worms :( not sure what to do or if that’s really what I’m working with... I was unable to get a good pic but it is definitely not just poop. I saw her poop and the red...
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  11. Jennifer Gonzales

    Pregnant guppy

    Think she might be just a little bit pregnant lol I feel so bad for her! She dropped fry on 11/23/19 and today is only 12/11/19 so she’s only like 1/2 way through gestation, and looks like she’s going to literally burst!
  12. Jennifer Gonzales


    Think she might be just a little bit pregnant lol I feel so bad for her! She dropped fry on 11/23/19 and today is only 12/11/19 so she’s only like 1/2 way through gestation, and looks like she’s going to literally burst!
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  14. Jennifer Gonzales

    Dropping fry then getting ich??

    Hi all! I have a 40gal tank with 2 adult platies 1 juvenile platy 8 adult guppies, and until today 12 guppy fry. (Set up a 10 gal tank and transferred my fry to it today, they were born 11/23, for reference sake) I do not know specific parameters but I do water changes every 1-2weeks and have...
  15. Jennifer Gonzales

    Tank divider

    Thanks! The piece of acrylic I have is like 1/2 inch too short to touch both walls of the tank so I was thinking noodles would hold it in place and fill that extra 1/2”!
  16. Jennifer Gonzales

    Tank divider

    Hi all! I have a tall 40 gallon tank with platies and guppies. I need a tank divider to separate fry from adults or males from females (depending on whether I want babies or not) Unfortunately I cant seem to find one that fits my tank... any suggestions? I’ve been considering making my own with...
  17. Jennifer Gonzales

    Pregnant or fat?

    Thank you! I thought so but the male platy I have also has a dark black spot in the same area so I wasn’t sure if that’s a gravid spot or poop
  18. Jennifer Gonzales

    Pregnant or fat?

    Can someone please help me figure out if my platy is pregnant or just fat? I’m fairly new to fish-momming... I have guppies as well and apparently one of them was pregnant (and I didn’t even know) because I found a fry in the tank! Trying to avoid missing another set of fry
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