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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. L

    Betta Sick for Several Weeks

    How long have you been adding salt? I found they generally act lethargic whenever they feel unwell, so if we can fix the fin issue, he should perk up. I used interpet's fin rot meds. I don't know if that's easily accessible where you are, but if not there will likely be something similar.
  2. L

    Slightly brown spot on my white opaque betta

    No, it's just different pigmentation
  3. L

    Fin rot? Tail regrowth questions

    Fins take months to regrow fully. If he seems happy in himself and the fins aren't deteriorating, you're likely on the right track! Keep up with your water changes to give him the best conditions possible to recover.
  4. L

    How to overcome size difference in betta fry?

    Do you mean that the two spawns grew differently, or the size variation between fry in the same spawn?
  5. L

    Is this fin rot?

    Is it quite a new tank? You could try increasing how often you do water changes to improve the quality just in case that's affecting it. I'd also use aquarium salt and methalyne blue.
  6. L

    Betta Sick for Several Weeks

    This looks similar to what my Jasmine went through some time ago. I used aquarium salt 1g per liter of 1 tbsp per gallon and APIs fin rot meds for 1 week. I kept the salt on longer, and over several weeks the fins started to spread out and look less clumped together. It takes several months for...
  7. L

    Not Sure How to Help My Betta

    I'm going to start off by saying I've not seen this before, so if anyone more experienced comments, feel free to go with what they advise. I think it's been mentioned the -fix products damage their labarynth organs. Is that bathing salt the same thing as aquarium salt? My usual place to start...
  8. L

    Sick betta - running out of things to try

    Poor boy! This is well beyond my knowledge, but I just wanted to say well done for buying a sick fish and trying to help him. I hope he gets better!
  9. L

    Surrogate Father?

    I asked his breeder. Apparently the father hatched eggs successfully first time.
  10. L

    Surrogate Father?

    Yeah, i saw numerous wraps with her releasing 8-12 eggs per wrap, with him positioned as per the picture throughout - no early break away to collect the first few eggs
  11. L

    Surrogate Father?

    Yep, I leave them to it and check on them frequently. As soon as I see shes over the other side of the tank hiding I remove her, being careful not to stir the water too much with the net. Maybe they aren't fertile, but the wraps looked good to my eye.
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  13. L

    Surrogate Father?

    He wraps in the early afternoon, looks after them well until I go to bed, then in the morning they're gone and his fatherly actions are gone. I need this male's genes for what I want to achieve, so I need to figure out how to get the short-fin to care for this male's eggs.
  14. L

    Surrogate Father?

    One of my males has eaten his eggs twice now. I've heard using a different male to hatch eggs has been done, but I was wondering how I'd go about doing this. I do have another male with a currently perfect track record I could use. Has anyone here actually succeeded with this before? Any advice...
  15. L

    Poorly Betta

    An old picture of him from last month
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  17. L

    Poorly Betta

    Cooked? He's lost width and condition on tha back half of his body.
  18. L

    Poorly Betta

    His only companions are snails
  19. L

    Poorly Betta

    I think you're asking about the 21L, which has had fish in constantly since 21st July. The 38L was our oldest tank and pump. It broke with him in it a full week before this problem. I did a 80%ish water change that night and the following morning. New pump arrived that lunch time, then did 50%...
  20. L

    Poorly Betta

    Hey, found Jasmine was like this on Saturday, and appears to be feeling sorry for himself. Eats, but not with his normal gusto. Any ideas what's wromg with him? Was in a 38L with a new filter at the time, but is now in a 21L, and no apparent improvement. Ammonia .25, nitrate + nitrite 0, pH 7.6...
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  22. L

    Males won't make bubble nests!

    I had the filter on the lowest setting. Theres plenty of plants - i have a job to find him sometimes for all the plants, and he had an almond leaf to nest under. I did notice if he placed a bubble too near the edge of the leaf, it would roll off and vanish at the water level, like it's just a...
  23. L

    Males won't make bubble nests!

    Is there any way of helping a young male (6 months) to perfect his nests? At the mo he's making £2 coin-sized ones, and they fall apart overnight.
  24. L

    Is this a female Betta?

    @Deanasue thanks. There's no skin wounds or anything, and I've put a couple more in, so she has others to pick on, and the 3 older ones have more breaks. They seem to be learning to just stay away from her bubble nests. On the upside, the koi male who lives next door seems to have taken a liking...
  25. L

    Is this a female Betta?

    I take it back. There is some fin damage to 2 of the 3 other females
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  29. L

    Is this a female Betta?

    So it is this fish thst's making nests. It still doesn't have an egg spot, and is chasing the other 3 females away from the nest. It has a suprosingly large beard, that can't be seen when it's away, but is larger than that of the other females. No deaths or injuries in the tank.
  30. L

    Males won't make bubble nests!

    I see why you get tagged in so many threads now! Thank you, I'll start putting it right tonight.
  31. L

    Males won't make bubble nests!

    Thanks. Ill put the gravel back in then. Is cooked prawns ok to feed the boys, assuming i cut it up small enough? The boyfriend breeds poultry, so egg yold shouldnt be a problem. Are the young copper sensitive? Plenty of borehole water at work sittinf around going green, but it travels through...
  32. L

    Males won't make bubble nests!

    Lids are usually on the tanks, but i took them for the purposes of the pictures
  33. L

    Males won't make bubble nests!

    The tanks dont have gravel as I read the males lose the eggs in gravel
  34. L

    Males won't make bubble nests!

    Koi's tank: Ammonia 0, nitrate 0, nitrite 0, pH 7.6. I dont know GH.It started it's fish in cycle with seeded ornaments 21st July. Temp 27. 50% change on thursdays. Water is 22cm high I think, the filter is on lowest setting. Jasmine's tank: Ammonia 0.5, nitrate 0.5, nitrite 0, pH 7.6, GH...
  35. L

    Males won't make bubble nests!

    We've decided to try and breed 1 of our 2 male Bettas, but neither one of them will make a bubble nest. We've been trying for 2 weeks now. Am I doing something wrong?
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  38. L

    What Cory is this?

    I have entered him! Sometimes I think I'm starting to get the hang of fish keeping... then I go and describe an ornament as "larger plant thing" :kana:
  39. L

    VOTE NOW...August 2019 Tank of the Month

    Please note: due to the fish's reputation for killing plays and corys, his name is a curse word, so won't be uttered on this forum. Tank name [name of fish]'s tank. This was set up on 20th July, and the fish was put in for an in fish cycle on the 21st. 21L "Aqua One Splish and Splash Medium...
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