Search results

  1. M

    Goldfish in bathtub?

    Thank guys! I'll probably drain the water if I can't find a better idea ^^
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    Goldfish in bathtub?

    It's never been used before but not new :/ The tub is indoors so we can maintain a good temperature, we have really cold winters and lots of stray cats so my family told me it wouldn't be safe for them
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    Goldfish in bathtub?

    I've seen so many things online and people who put their goldfish in a bath tub and use that as a pond. The three comet goldfish I got when I was younger are out growing their tank and we'd like to move them into our unused bath tub (I hope that's a safe idea) Does any one have tips on how we'd...
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    Goldfish Fry - What do I do?

    . Whoa! Thank you! Do you have any tips for doing water changes?
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    Goldfish Fry - What do I do?

    My three comet goldfish laid eggs a few days ago and we removed them into a separate container, most of the eggs have hatched. Unfortunately I have no idea how to care for goldfish fry, is it similar to guppy fry? Any help is appreciated! Some of the fry are just laying on their side, and other...
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    🐶 POTM Moonweaver March 2020 Pet of the Month Winner!

    Ahhh I'm so proud of him <3 Have a video of him enjoying his morning salad:
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    Vote Now!...March 2020 Pet of the Month Contest

    This is Thunder, he is a 3 year old bearded dragon. I just barely got him from one of my friends who didn't have enough time for him. (So he's a bit stressed right now) He has a salad and some meal worms daily. He enjoys basking on his half-log and eating. Thunder is about 18 inches in length.
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    Fish stuck in filter again

    I have a small tank with 3 glo fish, they've been living happily for ~2 years, but recently the smallest one has been getting stuck in the filter, he used to be okay after we turning it off so he could leave, but now he can't swim. We're not sure what to do since tjeu need the filter... Help?
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    'swollen' eye

    Here are the pictures of Orange fish
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    'swollen' eye

    I have a tank with 3 skirt tetras (Glofish) and a Chinese Algae Eater. They have some plants, toys, and a filter. A while ago I noticed one of my fish had an eye that popped out more than the other eyes and the ones of the other fish. Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it...
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    Free tank!?

    To me, they look like skirt tetras or glo fish tetras since that's what my Glofish look like from above.
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    Mosquito fish turning black

    I have a ton of baby mosquito fish and one of the larger ones are turning black. It was an overnight change and I'm not sure if he's sick or anything. The last picture is a picture of the rest of them.
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  19. M

    Water conditioner help

    Ooh, great plans! Thanks <3
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    Water conditioner help

    Thanks guys! I was hoping water conditioner could fix it :/ It kinda hurts to waste all this water... Any idea what I could do with it?
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    Water conditioner help

    Hello! So I just bought a large storage containe for my goldfish, but I was too excited to set it up that I forgot to wash it before I filled it with water. I was wondering if water conditioner could get rid of the dangerous chemicals as I don't want to waste all the water I put in the...
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    Catfish identification help?

    I did as you said and added some sand, the water is a little bit brown-ish, I washed the sand tons of times. Is that normal?
  23. M

    Catfish identification help?

    Okay, I have sand that's pretty fine, do you have an idea of how I can get the poop out of their tank with out sucking out tons of the sand? (Also how many inches of sand should I do?)
  24. M

    Catfish identification help?

    I see! Thank you! I'll be sure to get some more and put in sand ^^ Do small pebbles work or is sand better?
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    Odd shaped Serpae?

    Ah, don't worry, I got a school of them, I just moved these two since they had a weird curve
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    Catfish identification help?

    I was just wondering what type of catfish these two little ones were ^^ Thanks for any help! I can provide more pictures if needed.
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  30. M

    Odd shaped Serpae?

    I obtained two serpae tetras recently, and from the top they look really weird shaped. Their body is sorta bent near the middle and I was wondering if it was caused by a sickness or something. (Ignore the Catfish)
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  32. M

    Serpaes + Skirts?

    My tank has been up for like 2-3 months I think? It's a 30g ^^ Alright! Thanks <3
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    Serpaes + Skirts?

    I have 3 skirt tetras, and just got 2 serpaes today. I was wondering if they school together or if they only school with the same species ^^
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    Does my tank have to be clear?

    Thank you so much <3 I'll try to find one that's kinda clear so I can check their health ^^
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    Does my tank have to be clear?

    I was going to put my goldfish into a storage tank thing, and I was wondering if they would want it to be clear. Or if it doesn't matter to them. I tried to Google the answer and it didn't work ^^"
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    Odd Guppy Eyes

    I got a few guppies and now I think there's something wrong with their eyes. Not all of them are like this, just one or two. The white circle around their eye is black, it's slowly dissappearing. In the first picture is the guppy with weird eyes and the second is normal :) Does anyone know why...
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  39. M

    Injured Betta?

    I do, but we had to remove it for cleaning and a cartridge replacement
  40. M

    Injured Betta?

    Okay! Thank you so much <3