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  1. 43E8D96F-176B-4C3E-9B7C-DD6DFC7DA2DA.jpeg


  2. 9B8EB673-A772-4398-B274-151E874D08D3.jpeg


  3. JMuth

    Tank Emergency; Gold fish is red, fish are lethargic, danio has ich

    I’ll look into that test kit, cus I have no idea weather it's harmful ammonia or not. I am pretty sure my tap water contains chloramine because my water straight from the tap tests positive for ammonia. I do tend to have high temps and high pH (80f and 7.8ph), which from what I've heard makes...
  4. JMuth

    Tank Emergency; Gold fish is red, fish are lethargic, danio has ich

    Bubbles (the dwarf gourami) is still going good. I swapped 50% of the water last night and I just checked for ammonia, nitrite, nitrates. Nitrites were zero, and nitrates were 5ppm. Ammonia is what worry's me at .5ppm. As a side note, that is the same ammonia concentration as is found in my...
  5. JMuth

    Tank Emergency; Gold fish is red, fish are lethargic, danio has ich

    I use Tetra Aqua Safe. I haven’t switched water conditioners the whole time I have had these fish, its all from that same bottle. I dose it at roughly 22 drops for my 2 gal bucket (not quite filled to the top). Dosing isn’t alway accurate tho, sometime I would turn the bottle and a whole lot...
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  7. B1DE66CE-6B27-4F71-842C-097D72B44EA5.jpeg


  8. JMuth

    Tank Emergency; Gold fish is red, fish are lethargic, danio has ich

    Update for today: The Dwarf Gourami is the lone survivor. I found the gold fish dead this morning and the last zebra danio got trapped between him and the filter intake. I freed the danio, but he looked like he had swim bladder disease. I figured there probably wasn’t much I could do but...
  9. JMuth

    Tank Emergency; Gold fish is red, fish are lethargic, danio has ich

    Death sucks, man. I did everything for the small tank to get it clean and fresh. The pink one with the spots didn't make the move in. I did my best to match temperature and everything, let all the water sit with aeration for 20-30 minutes, and netted every one in. Soon after he was having...
  10. JMuth

    Tank Emergency; Gold fish is red, fish are lethargic, danio has ich

    So I think I’ll do the small tank tonight. I think ill move all the fish into a bucket temporarily to do the cleaning, and then I will add them back after. I assume all I need to do for wiping the sides is a clean cloth with dechlorinated water. I’ll do the big tank tomorrow. This does bring...
  11. JMuth

    Tank Emergency; Gold fish is red, fish are lethargic, danio has ich

    It’s really hard to get a good picture of this guy, he want to be as far from my iPad as possible LOL. He does have some white in his stripping that is normal, but the ones that look like raised bumps are what I’m worried about. I have a python coming in tomorrow, so If the big tank can wait...
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  14. JMuth

    Tank Emergency; Gold fish is red, fish are lethargic, danio has ich

    Other things to add: I had been lax in my water testing (about a week give or take a few days), but ammonia and nitrites were never high. I was never lax on my water changes tho. My water company uses chloramine not chlorine. Could this ammonia cause problems? I never noticed gasping for air...
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  21. JMuth

    Tank Emergency; Gold fish is red, fish are lethargic, danio has ich

    Tank size: ~5 Gal. US pH:7.8 (This is what it has been since I started measuring) ammonia: >0ppm (just the slightest hint of green, not enough to put it at .25, but more than 0) nitrite: 0 ppm nitrate: 40 ppm kH: Unknown gH: Unknown tank temp: 80F Fish Symptoms (include full description...
  22. JMuth

    Colin is an absolute beast when it come to fish! He knows so much, and willingly shares it! He...

    Colin is an absolute beast when it come to fish! He knows so much, and willingly shares it! He also manages to give his advise in a very friendly way, which can be tricky over just text were it’s really easy to come off as condescending or rude.
  23. JMuth

    A lot of questions; New Tank size, outdoors, rehoming and more

    Thanks for you great advice as always Colin_T! I’ll check with my girlfriend when she wakes up about her ponds, but if I had to guess, they are probably on float valves so that there is always water for the livestock. If that’s the case, barring the well going dry, they should always have...
  24. JMuth

    A lot of questions; New Tank size, outdoors, rehoming and more

    So I’ll start with the main questions I’m looking for answers for: 1) How big of a tank should I get and how can I stock it? (I have some fish already in desperate need of an upgrade) 2) How should I rehome my goldfish? (There’s a few options and a lot of questions) 3) How do I work with weight...
  25. JMuth

    New here and new to fish: Any ideas?

    I did a water test tonight and everything was much much better! To start with the water was crystal clear instead of the milky and opaque way it had been looking. Temp and PH stayed consistent, but ammonia and nitrites were at 0ppm! Nitrates were running a little high at 40ppm, so I went a head...
  26. JMuth

    New here and new to fish: Any ideas?

    If the goldfish keeps growing, I’ll keep his tanks growing (even if I have to move him to a pond). I’m trying to follow Colins advice: I went ahead and did a little over a 50% water change this morning with vacuuming the other half of the gravel (I vacuumed the other half yesterday). I took...
  27. JMuth

    New here and new to fish: Any ideas?

    Thanks for all that info essjay. I do plan on getting a bigger tank in the future, I’m just not sure what size. I only washed everything in the filter the one time where it got really bad ( because their previous owner had not cleaned anything including water changes for over a month). Most...
  28. JMuth

    New here and new to fish: Any ideas?

    Yes I got the other ones specifically because they looked the same as him, except they are slightly smaller. He was just so sad after his buddy died yesterday. Normally, they would be chasing each other around the tank and playing, but he was just being docile on the gravel after the other one died.
  29. JMuth

    New here and new to fish: Any ideas?

    Colin: Will these large water changes be too stressful? Should I remove the fish from the tank, or keep them in while cleaning gravel? Is there anything special I need to do for chloramine in the water, or is my Tetra AquaSafe enough? To clean the filter I used my shower head as a water source...
  30. JMuth

    New here and new to fish: Any ideas?

    So I’m pretty new to this whole fish keeping thing, and I’m trying to do my best for my little guys. I rescued these from a friend who had me feeding them while he traveled. Once he got back he said he didn’t really want them any more so I could keep them or he would use them as fish bait...