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  1. Kritastrophe

    Meet my baby!

    That red is gorgeous!
  2. Kritastrophe

    Update on the Otos

    They look fun to watch! Congratulations on your new fish babies!
  3. Kritastrophe

    Sudden Cory cat death

    It’s possible the shark got to him among the other stated possibilities. Glofish sharks (gmo rainbow sharks) are all bottom feeders and are aggressive towards other bottom dwelling fish. With their aggressive tendencies, territories and size the Glofish shark should ideally be in a 50 gallon...
  4. Kritastrophe

    Help Cory's dying☹️

    How long was the new tank setup? Did you cycle the tank before adding your fish? What are your current readings for ammonia, nitrate, nitrite? What’s your ph and gh levels?
  5. Kritastrophe

    Sudden red gills on Cory catfish

    Ace, Lowe’s, and Home Depot usually have play sand for 4$ per bag near me. If you have one locally to you I’d check their first and save some money.
  6. Kritastrophe

    Back In The Fold

    Could be just the holidays and fish stuff. Ha ha.
  7. Kritastrophe

    Sudden red gills on Cory catfish

    Not sure what water conditioner you are already using, but if you aren’t using prime I would recommend switching because of ammonia being in your tap water. You could use prime water conditioner in addition to binding chlorine/chloramine/heavy metals it also binds ammonia. Red gills could be...
  8. Kritastrophe - Site Upgrade 12/16

    Is. Sorry, sometimes when I’m on my phone I assume auto correct knows what I meant.
  9. Kritastrophe - Site Upgrade 12/16

    WOW! The site is looking snazzy and sparkly. Love the changes. I thought I was on the wrong site for a moment when I logged in.
  10. Kritastrophe

    Sick Tiger Barbs

    I agree with what has been already said, but I also wanted to add that tiger barbs rest head down. I saw you mentioned that you saw them sitting like that and I just wanted to let you know that while they rest it is entirely normal behavior to be nose down or angled. Mine do it almost instantly...
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  12. Kritastrophe

    WHY ! ! !

    Sorry to hear about your tank leaking. I haven’t been on much, so I’m just gonna ask—do you have killi babies yet? Ha ha!
  13. Kritastrophe

    Cryptocoryne Lutea and Vallisneria

    Depends on what you like. I have both crypts and Val. Val does get runners that grow new Val. I started with one Val and now I have five plus l. Both are fairly easy plants and do fine in sand, or at least they are doing very well for me.
  14. Kritastrophe

    Bladder Disease - Is it time to Euthanize? But I don't want to!

    Glad your blue Gourami is eating. Lack of replies is probably due to the time of the year. Everyone’s entering into the busy holiday season so there are probably a lot of people absent from the forums to be with family etc. Happy Thanksgiving!
  15. Kritastrophe

    How long to run a UV steriliser?

    I have a sunsun hw304b - zero warping on any of the trays, was previously used for a year before I got it for free with my big fish tank. UV light has been running 24/7 without any damage over a year between the time I’ve had it and with its previous owner. Perhaps that video is a defective...
  16. Kritastrophe

    Help needed.

    You could try Facebook pet rehome pages for your local area or... ask relatives and friends for a new tank for Christmas. :rofl:
  17. Kritastrophe

    Blood parrot

    What other fish do you have with her? If you want to keep all the fry you can add a divider to the tank or remove the fry. If you don’t want to keep them all I’d leave mom and the fry in the tank and let Darwinism do the rest.
  18. Kritastrophe

    Hello, I am getting back into having Topical fish after several years.

    If you have any specific questions about plants ask away. Most of us have live plants only in our tanks! They’re so beneficial to tanks. Also welcome to the fish forums!!!! :hi:
  19. Kritastrophe

    Bladder Disease - Is it time to Euthanize? But I don't want to!

    If it has been going on for 4 to 5 weeks and she hasn’t passed or deteriorated I would think she might be able to live a viable life. She has to be eating something to still be alive that long. If she does stop eating completely, is wasting away, or getting sucked into the filter intake I would...
  20. Kritastrophe

    Help needed.

    Surprised any survived living in a fish bowl! I know all tetra species usually prefer to live in a group and the majority species prefer soft water, but I haven’t had tetras in a very long time so I’d probably use seriouslyfish for an overview when you confirm species. :)
  21. Kritastrophe

    Been Busy.

    Tanks looking amazing. Love your Petrie dishes for the eggs. Ha ha!
  22. Kritastrophe

    How long to run a UV steriliser?

    I have one in my external canister I run 24/7. I could turn it off and I’m not sure how effective they really are since water would have to be exposed to it for a while to truly wipe out most things but... I have it so I figure why not keep it on. I know with certain medications you have to turn...
  23. Kritastrophe

    Used aqueon algae remover now fish staying at top of tank

    Algaecides contain active ingredients that are usually harmful to fish. Most of these say safe for fish but in fact are not. I would do a large 75% water change to try to dilute any remaining algaecide. Also make sure you remove any remaining algae as algae traps anything in the water to include...
  24. Kritastrophe

    Vote Now...November 2019 Pet of the Month

    This is ‘Bilbo’ Beggins. Bilbo is an Australian Cattle Dog born 8-19-19 (currently 3 months old). Bilbo is in manners and obedience training every other week with an ABC licensed trainer and will start agility training when he is older. He knows sit, lay down, wait, shake, and recall is getting...
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  26. Kritastrophe

    Need LED Light Strip Replacement

    I have seen the replacement led lights with the wires at petsmart.
  27. Kritastrophe

    VOTE NOW!..November 2019 Tank of the Month

    Size: 48.5 x 14.5 x 25 (76.1gUS - figure this to be more than the actual filled volume with glass thickness, substrate, decor etc but I bought secondhand and those are the outside dimensions of the glass) Temp: 76 GH: 4 dGH PH: 7.6 Fish: 12 x Tiger Barb 8 x Bronze Corydoras 1 x Bristlenose...
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  29. Kritastrophe

    Barbodes semifasciolatus Wild Form

    Are they in a tank outside? Love the Anacharis forest you’ve got going on in there!
  30. Kritastrophe

    Why is my (soft) tap water becoming hard in the tank?

    How frequently do you do water changes? As water evaporates it leaves behind the minerals/metals/etc and could (over a time period) slowly be raising the gh in the tank. I don’t think this would be the main factor (unless you just aren’t doing water changes and are topping off the water with...
  31. Kritastrophe

    Killifish ! Killifish!

    Wow. Did they come already? Your pictures are looking great! I usually have to snap what seems like 100 pictures before I feel like I get a decent one. Ha ha! :rofl:
  32. Kritastrophe

    Killifish ! Killifish!

    Woot woot!!!
  33. Kritastrophe

    Acrylic Painted Backgrounds

    I’ve used goo be gone to remove paint from a window in a house as a last ditch effort in the past and it basically just wiped off the glass with a paper towel after I let it sit for a few hours. I don’t know what kind of paint it was on the window, the paint was on the window when we bought the...
  34. Kritastrophe

    Killifish ! Killifish!

    :rip: I’m so sorry. I was looking forward to baby killi photos. Maybe there are some eggs in there already like Colin suggested.
  35. Kritastrophe

    Can I add cherry barbs?

    Something to note. Some Corys grow larger than others (ex Pygmy cory vs emerald Cory), and also some Corys can tolerate different temperature ranges. Sterbai Cory for example have been noted to do well in higher temperatures than other Cory species. You can’t fit as many emerald Corys as you...
  36. Kritastrophe

    Freddy The Flowerhorn

    Very beautiful fish. I love Flowerhorns!
  37. Kritastrophe

    I have fry!

    Congrats on your fish babies! It’s always amazing when you see fry in a tank, unless your near overstock levels. Ha ha. :yahoo: