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  1. L

    How long...?

    In my opinion... put her in a seperate tank now or in a breeding net(those small ones are awful).
  2. L


    RIP... I'm sorry that his illness had gotten worse. I guess my advices earlier didn't help much.
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    what on earth was she doing?
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    Isn't this very cruel?! ebay horrors!

    it said low maintanence betta fish... I don't think bettas would like light 24/7... my betta likes it when I have about 14 hours of light time and 10 hours of night time so he can sleep and enjoy his tank.
  5. L

    New zebra danios - red blotches???

    they are supposed to be tough. My zebra danio fry wasn't fed for a whole day and it's still alive. It got stuck to the sponge on the filter.
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    bettas don't need plants. But it's a good idea to have some. From past experiences... bettas will eat ghost shrimps... Also, it's up to the betta's personality whether it likes company or not. One of my bettas, Draxxus is very territorial and dosen't go well with other fish, but my other one...
  7. L

    pottery in the aquarium

    try taking a peice of kilned clay and put it in dechlorinated water(not the ones in the tank) and take a water test. I think that should do some solving. I have never tried using clay so I'm not that sure on this stuff.
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    Beginnings of a 220Uk gallon reeftank

    cool down davie... stop the jealousy... turn it down...
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    took some pictures

    I like them... gary and george are my favorites. Good luck with cleo's frys!
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    pottery in the aquarium

    I didn't know that glaze was bad... but hey, that's a good question. Really repends on what type of clay you use. Yes, there's deferent kinds of clay...
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    Need some help with this one...

    1/2 gallon should be okay... for now. The tanks should be at least 1 gallon... so they have some swimming space to develope their fins.
  12. L

    new betta (my 1st one)

    holy crap... 2"x2"? That's like... 1 millionth of a gallon(over exagerated). Well, basically, you need to get a tank, a bowl or a jar ASAP. For me, my betta's tank is being used for my zebra danio frys so my betta is living in a nice 1 gallon that I change every day or other day. I do a 75...
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    sweet... my mom said I could get started on my 250 gallon in 2 weeks. I hope that hom depot sells it!
  14. L

    Just Joined

    tropicals are fun to keep... but they are a much bigger responsibility than goldies... they tend to get sick more and breed excessively.
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    make sure that none of you're fish are small enough to fit into the mouth of the filter. And also, if you have a weak fish who isn't swimming strong enough, I would take him out until he heals or he might get sucked and wouldn't be able to swim away.
  16. L

    Irridescent shark sick!

    I wish I could help too... but I don't know enough about IDs and also, the picture isn't htat clear.
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    if you have to... then put them in the 29... make sure you have the tank cycle for at least 1 hour to make sure that the dechoriator has dissolved and yes I have heard of biozyme but I've never tried it. The point is... that it doesn't instant cycle... it just instant dechorinates. You have to...
  18. L

    how to get betta babies

    that one big picture of the betta in your sig looks like a chameleon...
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    o... and keep the water in your bucket cycling... with some sort of areation or you'll have to... do some very frequent water changes to keep the water moving and fresh and make sure that the bucket is roughly 10-15 gallons. I know that sounds crazy... but it'll have to do.
  20. L

    Irridescent shark sick!

    ... wouldn't you just press "browse" in the attachment section of the reply page? Or you could host it some where and post it as in [ img ][ /img ](take away spaces)
  21. L


    hmmm... well, you should let the water cycle for about a day or two before risking them and putting them in. This is a pretty tough thing seeing as you don't have many running tanks. I usually keep a spare tank running just incase I have an ill fish or a preggy. When the tank isn't being used, I...
  22. L

    Bettas and ADFs in 4 gallon cube?

    again... the betta may or may not go along with the other fishes... so... it's up to you. You could try it out at first, but if the betta and the other fish are flaring up at each other and chasing each other, I would seperate them. Don't use those floating breeding nets.. becase bettas can jump...
  23. L


    I dont understand why you're asking me alone. As you know I'm not the greatest with fish... I would... probably boil the gravel seperately... I would also get rid of the water already used in cleaning other stuff... and use pure, unboiled tap water and decholorinate it. As I said, you shouldn't...
  24. L

    2 Fish appear sick.. Don't know what to do!

    o and... windex is pretty toxic and hard to wash off.
  25. L

    2 Fish appear sick.. Don't know what to do!

    for most fishes, you can leave the water not running for about 2 hours. But that's not good because the fishes start finding it harder to breath. So, while you have the filter off, use somesort of areation system or do water changes to keep the water running and maybe splash the water abit...
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    how do u say betta?

    it's bet-uh because if you have a vowel like this beta it would be pronouced bait-uh. But if you have two constanents between the e and the next vowel, it would be pronounced bet-uh. GRAMMER KING!
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    Lucky, the Tail-less Wonder

    hmmm... good theory. My guess was that he probably got a cut from some rocks or decors in the place. He wasn't born without a tail because it is regrowing.
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    First Betta...

    ah.... I c what a cory looks like. I think it'll be fine as long as the cory doesn't start nipping at the bettas fins because it looks like flakes. My zebra danios and tiger barbs will killing my betta and he lost half of his tail.
  29. L

    First Betta...

    you could try bettas with other fishes AS I HAVE DONE BEFORE. But it's really up to the bettas personality. Now, I have to admit that I'm a newb and I dont know what a cory is... but I will go research on it soon, as long as it doesn't have a fancy tail like a betta or a guppy, it should be fine.
  30. L

    how to get betta babies

    yes I was. and for your information, they did just turn up in my tank. That tank was empty for a whole day before I noticed some fry. I didn't know which type of fry they were because fry almost look exactly identical. I searched up betta fry on google and it came up with pictures that looks...
  31. L

    arent these endlers?

    ooo... cool
  32. L


    One of my Zebra Danios has a red anus. It could also be the mom of my batch.
  33. L

    how to get betta babies

    well... you might want a 10-25% daily...
  34. L

    betta care

    when you're talking about green rock. Do you mean a rock that's intensively covered in algea?
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    arent these endlers?

    ummm... it clearly states that the species are guppies... the female guppy is a female guppy... the male guppy just doesn't have that big of a fin.
  36. L

    Unusual bettas...?

    the red eyes are pretty cool... and the blue design on the fins are pretty cool too. Now I want one of those!!!
  37. L

    My Danio Frys

    thanks alot guys! gals...
  38. L

    how to get betta babies

    you could probably start moving from microworms to larger foods like BBS(only slightly larger), bloodworm and maybe some really small pellets or finely grinded flakes.
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    ya... it's just that I didn't expect them and I didn't know where they came from.
  40. L

    New baby swordtails

    well... for now, the 25L will have to do. But when they get bigger, you'll need a bigger tank or they will probably undergo stress. You can give them to the lfs when they reach maturity... I'm not sure what time that will be for sword tails. But you can also keep them if you want. It's all up to...