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  1. wayne the pain

    Please What Is My Fish

      Thats was my first thought but if you look closely in the picture you will see the longer, thicker maxillary barbels on this sp, P bufferi does not have them like this, it has small thin, hair like maxillary barbels and a dorsal fin.  :)
  2. wayne the pain

    Please What Is My Fish

    Yes they should be kept in groups, more the better ;)
  3. wayne the pain

    Please What Is My Fish

    Looks like a African glass cat to me, here's a link -
  4. wayne the pain

    Does Anyone Know The Common Name?

    Looks very similar to M tengara, that goes by the name Pyjama catfish.
  5. wayne the pain

    Can Anyone Identify This Fish?

    Deffinately no S robertsi, the eye is not nearly big enough, this looks like one of the hybrid Syno's they are producing now.
  6. wayne the pain

    What Is This Catfish!?

    Not a great picture, but its a Synodontis sp and probably S nigrita :)
  7. wayne the pain

    Caterpillars Hatched Finally!

    Fantastic pictures and video's. could you please post some pictures of how they are set up for overwintering when you have time. :nod:
  8. wayne the pain

    Mbuna Fight - With Pics *graphic Content*

    Great set of pictures :good:
  9. wayne the pain

    Can I Have An Alligator Gar In My Tank?

    And what would that have to do with this? Have we not become more civilised in the last few thousand years?
  10. wayne the pain

    Can I Have An Alligator Gar In My Tank?

    A quick clean shot and its over with shooting, but lets be honest sticking a arrow in the back of this fish and it towing you round for a hour or two is classed as sport? its just cruelty, no need for it, for eating or not. :angry:
  11. wayne the pain

    Caterpillars Hatched Finally!

    Great pictures, would really love to try this one day. Love the Luna moths too ;)
  12. wayne the pain

    Can I Have An Alligator Gar In My Tank?

    When i said "sport" i meant the sport of killing as in a blood sport. And from what ive read it tastes like crap.
  13. wayne the pain

    Can I Have An Alligator Gar In My Tank?

    Yes i eat fish, and have seen the size of Tuna, but lets face it he killed it for the sake of killing it and a "sport".
  14. wayne the pain

    Can I Have An Alligator Gar In My Tank?

    What a shame and a waste, hope he feels good for killing such a fish. :angry:
  15. wayne the pain

    Ed's Oddball Tank.

    A friend of mine had P afer, he said it was a mean fish at night once out n about Papyocranus afer, Mormyrops anguilloides, now your getting into the mean fish of Africa, Gymnarchus niloticus next?? :lol:
  16. wayne the pain

    Kuhli Loaches! :)

    KLAS, sounds good to me :nod:
  17. wayne the pain

    My Next Venture, 5' Tank Acquired

    Great bargain, looking forward to seeing your choice of inhabitants :good:
  18. wayne the pain

    Ed's Oddball Tank.

    If your into Mormyridae, look at cornish Jack (Mormyrops anguilloides) they might take your fancy ;)
  19. wayne the pain

    Ed's Oddball Tank.

    That video is from "Tanganyika, jewel of the rift" an amazing wildlife documentary, well worth watching. If anyone knows where i can buy it on dvd let me know.
  20. wayne the pain

    Pimelodus Albofasciatus

    This may help you ;)
  21. wayne the pain

    Ed's Oddball Tank.

    They do appreciate brackish, but lot of people keep in fresh with no problems. There is supposed to be a completely land locked area in Africa where they live where they thrive.
  22. wayne the pain

    Ed's Oddball Tank.

    Lol, i dont even keep fish at the minute, but i am looking at getting a tank soon. Once you have the fish bug it never leaves you :nod:
  23. wayne the pain

    Ed's Oddball Tank.

    Yes they do very well in groups, probably better in groups to be honest.
  24. wayne the pain

    Ed's Oddball Tank.

    If you could find them the Banded Scat (Scatophagus tetracanthus) would make a excellent addition, but they are hard to find :sad:
  25. wayne the pain

    Tree Roots?

    Not used tree roots but used dead beech branches numurous times, taken from the tree not off the ground. :)
  26. wayne the pain

    Calophysus Macropterus ' Vulture Catifsh'

    Cool cat, one of my favourite pims :good:
  27. wayne the pain

    Caterpillars Hatched Finally!

    Beautiful sp, good luck with them. ;)
  28. wayne the pain

    Ed's Oddball Tank.

    Could look at Disticodus sp for larger fish to mix with your Mbu. :nod: D sexfasciatus are stunning when young and tough enough to cope with a puffer.
  29. wayne the pain

    Ed's Oddball Tank.

    Vey nice set up, a nice shoal of African red eye tetra's (Arnoldichthys spilopterus) would go great with your congo's. ;)
  30. wayne the pain

    Caecilian Worms

    Anyone seen them in there lfs recently, and if so how much?
  31. wayne the pain

    Caecilian Worms

    Just searching the net for info on these and found this. Congratulations and well done on your breeding of this sp. If its not to much trouble could you please post info on how you keep and breed them please, you must be doing all right to get them to reproduce. PS would be interested in some...
  32. wayne the pain

    Chaca Chaca

    Here's a profile i done on them a while ago ;)