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  1. S


    as a great friend of BOD i would like 2 say she has a great hobby and really knows her stuff...the tanks look wicked! gd job BOD! LOL
  2. S

    worried about new fish

    i have just brought 6 new fish....3 r pentazona barb and the other 3 r either platys or swordtails... the barb r swimming around happierly however the swordtail or platys r almost always at the top of the tank! is there anything wrong with them? plz help!
  3. S

    new fish

    anyone know the name of my new fish?
  4. fish_004.jpg


  5. S

    my fish

    do u know the name of my new fish?
  6. fish_003.jpg


  7. S

    fish 2 go with a guppie?

    its about 4 gallons
  8. S

    fish 2 go with a guppie?

    what other fish should i get to go with my guppie? :dunno:
  9. S

    fish resting on pump! help!

    what other fish should i get to go with my guppie?
  10. S

    fish resting on pump! help!

    hey i just got some new fish and they r always resting on top of the pump or at the side of the pumb and thats there anything wrong with them? im getting quite worried
  11. S


    hey my question today fish sleep? :*) please reply!
  12. S


    just saying hello to all you ppl....i just got my tank up and running and my first 2 fish today...