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  1. D

    How far along are my guppies?

    Hi! I recently got these guppies from the store, and I’m pretty sure they are pregnant. I just wanted to get an idea on when they may give birth. I know it’s hard to pinpoint, but just an estimate! Also don’t mind the dirtiness I cleaned it after this picture haha
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  5. D

    Nerite snail poop??

    is it normal for a nerite snail to poop so much? I seriously can’t keep up with it, and I’m worried it’s going to cause poor water quality. I have him in a 10 gallon tank with a honey gourami
  6. D

    Surprise snail, what kind and how to take care of it??

    All of the pictures are of the same snail
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  8. D

    Surprise snail, what kind and how to take care of it??

    Someone suggested it’s maybe a Ramshorn?
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  11. D

    Surprise snail, what kind and how to take care of it??

    So u went to my LFS the other day to get a few things, including a live plant. All went well, I brought it home. Now it’s been a few days and suddenly, a baby snail has appeared in my tank. I already have a tiger nerite snail, but it’s by itself so it can’t be from that. I’m assuming it was in...
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  13. D

    Can I get a platy??

    I do already have the honey gourami, so I guess the CPD won’t work
  14. D

    Can I get a platy??

    Okay. I went to my LFS today to look at available fish and the only smaller schooling fish I could find were galaxy rasboras. There were no ember tetras or dwarf rasboras. I will visit my other go to LFS, but would the galaxy rasboras be an option for me? They seem to only be about half an inch...
  15. D

    Can I get a platy??

    What about neon tetras?
  16. D

    Can I get a platy??

    But I can always go get a GH test and test it myself
  17. D

    Can I get a platy??

    I found something for my area saying the GH is 7.3 gpg
  18. D

    Can I get a platy??

    If I did the barbs or raspboras, and got 5 or 6, that still wouldn’t be overwhelming the bioload of the tank?
  19. D

    Can I get a platy??

    So luckily I had a glass of water at my bedside from last night, so I simply used that for the pH. It’s at 7.6. I unfortunately cannot find my GH test
  20. D

    Can I get a platy??

    I can’t seems to find the water parameters of my tap water but I can test them for my tank?
  21. D

    Can I get a platy??

    I currently have a honey gourami and a tiger nerite snail in a 10 gallon tank. I would love a platy, but I’m worried about overstocking. I have made that mistake in the past, when I got a little “fish happy” and I ended up losing fish. I don’t want to make the same mistake.
  22. D

    Young guppy pregnancy... how far along?

    This is what she looked like a few days after bringing her home. As you can see the gravid spot was dark and she was still showing signs of pregnancy as previously mentioned, but just not as round. This was 2 and a half weeks ago
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  24. D

    Young guppy pregnancy... how far along?

    Hi! So I got a guppy from a pet store almost 3 weeks ago. I’m pretty positive she was pregnant when we got her because her gravid spot was black, and since then she has gotten wider. She’s also showing symptoms such as hiding near the heater, eating more, etc. Now it’s coming up on her 3rd week...
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  27. D

    Is my guppy pregnant or not?

    Well, she’s definitely got bigger so I think it’s confirmed! Very excited for our new babies!
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  29. D

    Is my guppy pregnant or not?

    Thank you! I’ll just have to keep a close eye on her for any changes
  30. D

    Is my guppy pregnant or not?

    My mom was able to get a nice picture
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  32. D

    Is my guppy pregnant or not?

    I recently got a guppy, and today while watching her I noticed she has a decent sized, dark gravid spot. I know that females can have gravid spots without being pregnant, but this one seems a little large to me. I’m still new to keeping fish and I have never dealt with a pregnant fish so I...
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