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  1. Brittany Borden

    Help Please.....Tumor?

    Thank you for your time, much appreciated. I Thanks for your response! I will do more water changes per your suggestion. I do have my water tested every week and my levels have been coming back great. Perhaps it didn’t develop over night and I just took to long to notice it :( hate to think...
  2. B5C93BE8-70E3-4809-8C38-D918560B83DE.jpeg


  3. Brittany Borden

    Help Please.....Tumor?

    Hello, I have an orange Platy who has developed what seems like overnight a large tumor. I noticed when I was adding two new guppies to the tank. I took a picture to the local fish store the first day I noticed and they didn’t know what it was so they gave me a cure all. I put him in a...
  4. D1316739-19DE-4056-AFDC-46467F346B15.jpeg

