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  1. W

    German ram help

    Thanks for the reply, I'm pretty certain it must be number 3 because I've definitely seen it eating, however I literally just witnessed the ram at the top 5th of the tank at nearly 45 deg angle for about 15 mins and now has just stationary in the plant at the back will either of those medicines...
  2. W

    German ram help

    Hi The last couple days I have noticed my ram seems to always have poop hanging from him like in the picture, sometimes like thos other times like this but clear? Is something wrong if so how can I treat it? Thanks
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  4. W

    Type of ram?

    just tested and the hardness is GH approx 2 and kh 3d
  5. W

    Type of ram?

    well it has only been in for 2 days, temperature is 27 deg, i do not know the hardness off the top of my head, the only other fish in the tank are harlequin rasbora. which have been in for about a month. the ph is between 6.4-6.8
  6. W

    Type of ram?

    thankyou for your reply, do you think its still young and hence not much colour or do you thick it probably will remain like this?
  7. W

    Type of ram?

    Hi recently added a "ram" to my tank, literally sold only as ram, now it was in a tank with electric blue rams, but the bolivian rams seem to look different, can anyone help me with the type? thankyou
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