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  1. C

    Corydoras or Kuhli Loaches?

    I just have to jump in here too! I have 6 different breeds of cories in multiple tanks. If the population drops below 6-8 of the same species, they hide. Otherwise they are out all the time. Pygmaes swim in mid water a lot and are soooo cute and tiny that you could do twice as many as most...
  2. C

    aggressive black skirt tetras

    My personal experience is that most tetras are too....spastic for me. I started with the Glowfish tetras, returned them, got black skirt tetras, returned them. Why? I do not find them to be peaceful fish. They are constantly picking on each other and everyone else. I did not feel peace with...
  3. C

    What?! Is this duckweed???

    LOL! I saw Seaside and thought you meant to bring it to my home town, but you are on a different continent! *whew* :rofl:
  4. C

    What?! Is this duckweed???

    Duckweed has VERY fine root/roots. What you have looks much thicker. A single leaf of duckweed can completely dry up and be reconstituted much later and take over a tank. It is impossible to get rid of once it infests your tanks. I thought I wanted it before I had it. Now I have joined the...
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  6. Duckweed_1.jpg


  7. C

    VOTE NOW...September 2019 Pet of the Month

    This is Brittany. She is an 8-year-old Greyhound. She is my 2nd Greyt dog and is a delight. She lives with the cat and all my fin-kids. She can shake both hands, bow, and will put her front feet up on my arm to give me a kiss. She loves going for rides in the car, and why not? The entire...
  8. SweetBrittany_sm.jpg


  9. C

    I think I may have MTS

    Well, I have had one inspection in 4 years, the last being last year. If they do another one, I will follow the lead of the marijuana growers and just drape everything so it cannot be seen, turn it off during the 20 minutes they are here. . I am also working on getting a house out in the...
  10. C

    I think I may have MTS

    Your Bettas are beautiful! I got my first tank in January and am up to 8. I am definitely obsessed. I have Betttas, neons, cardinals, Blue Hawaiian Moscow guppies, community guppies, dwarf gouramis, peacock gudgeons, pygmy spotted rasboras, corys (Emerald, dwarf and pygmy), loaches (Kuhlis...