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  1. D

    Lambchop Rasbora fry help?

    UPDATE: For anyone in the future who needs this info, Waldo is doing very well! We purchased a sponge cover for the filter and though it's not pretty, it's providing much peace of mind. He's really good at hiding in the java fern roots and he is eating and growing steadily. We feed him once a...
  2. D

    Lambchop Rasbora fry help?

    Thanks so much for your reply, Colin! Will definitely be getting a sponge tomorrow as we lost sight of little Waldo for several hours today and we were so sad! But luckily, he was hiding in our plentiful Java fern roots. Whew. We did go looking for the leaves Byron mentioned, but no luck! So we...
  3. D

    Lambchop Rasbora fry help?

    Thank you so much, Byron! We will definitely call our local store and see if they have these things available! We have no other species in the tank at this time and will wait to add more. The adults have seen our little friend and they just check him out then swim away, so I think you're 100%...
  4. D

    Lambchop Rasbora fry help? Here are two pics of the fry and a general pic of the tank fromfa week ago when we had the jar of 2-4 eggs.
  5. D

    Lambchop Rasbora fry help?

    First, if this is the wrong place to post I'm sorry and please let me know. So about a week and a half ago my boyfriend purchased 6 rasboras to get his new 20 gal tank to cycle. The fish were so happy they started making sweet, sweet love all over the place. After much research we figured it...
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