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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. M


    My first molly fish spent 2+months but eventually she delivered. Then there were continuously fry population expansion. You guys were a little too desperate but I could totally understand your feelings.
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    I wouldn’t worry at all. I still remember my first time waiting for the platy and Molly to drop, now the platy I have in the tank are second gen of the store ones and is about to deliver another few. My 3rd gen platy are doing quite well. I know how much you want to take a video of what you saw...
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    Can’t find my betta

    Next time you ask such question, a picture of your whole tank would help. I once lost my betta in a 36g that I couldn’t find him for a whole day. Next day he showed up. So I eventually figured it out when I couldn’t find him the next time. It turns out he hides some decor and stayed forever...
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    Anyone wants to get rid of some of your plants or snails?

    Do I need plants for ramshorn snails? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Anyone wants to get rid of some of your plants or snails?

    Hi, what a small world! I live in Lexington area. Still new to this hobby and are dealing with mollies. Will consider cichlids because they are more interactive and smart. What fish do you keep?
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    Anyone wants to get rid of some of your plants or snails?

    I put the zipcode, but considering ppl here are from all over the world, I will add more text. Thanks for the headsup.
  7. M

    [update: babies here] Black molly pregnant or not?

    Just had 15-20 more fry a few days ago, but all females had large belly so no idea who delivered them lol
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    Anyone wants to get rid of some of your plants or snails?

    Just bought 2 water lettuce, but would like to slowly transit my 55g into planted. Also my CAE killed one of my mollies, so I got rid of them. Now only 1 snail is taking care of my algae issue. So I would like to know if anyone has overstocked plants or snails and would like to get rid of some...
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    [update: babies here] Black molly pregnant or not?

    I was there during the delivery and I took Betta and other large platy out, so what you said could be right, but didn’t apply to my situation :) The fry is really large at least that’s what I thought. I posted the picture to show the size. Do you think it’s the regular size? About the ph I’ve...
  10. M

    Betta sick Help!

    Sorry to hear that. It could be very stressful if this is your only fish. Don’t give it up, sometimes it’s not your fault, Betta could be unhealthy if not being taken good care of at LFS and you never know. Move on to the next one and you will do it much better. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Betta sick Help!

    Move fast! I lost one when I found the fungus infection while I didn’t have any medication in hand... it didn’t make it even for 24hours. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    [update: babies here] Black molly pregnant or not?

    So it’s been a while, and this molly gets bigger, one of the largest among all 6 (bought 4 more recently, 2 male 4 female). A few days ago, my friends’ tetra’s eggs hatched, but I was unable to save most of them, so I put them back to the aquarium this morning. However, at noon I noticed some...
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    [update: babies here] Black molly pregnant or not?

    Why preziquantel and levamisole? What’s the benefit of levamisole? I see people using fenbendazole, any advantage by using the two you mentioned? Reason asked was I can order prezi easily on Amazon, but it takes a while for leva to come since I found bad review on Amazon seller so only source...
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    [update: babies here] Black molly pregnant or not?

    Can you give an estimation how much volume do I need for 55gallin tank? I couldn’t find the information on product page. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. M

    [update: babies here] Black molly pregnant or not?

    Btw, should I worry about the dosage? Is the information on the medicine box? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. M

    [update: babies here] Black molly pregnant or not?

    I’m almost certain she is full of worms. I’ll start deworming tomorrow. Thanks a bunch for the helpful input! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. M

    [update: babies here] Black molly pregnant or not?

    I have specifically put this molly in an isolated container with drilled holes in the aquarium. Within a few minutes she pooped a lot, and a semi transparent thread connected the solid waste. After the dropping, there was still a thin semi transparent thread after her butt. This made my decision...
  18. M

    [update: babies here] Black molly pregnant or not?

    It’s been a while, 6 weeks I guess. There is no sign of giving birth for now so I might try to deworm. It’s a 55g so this is the last thing I want to do. Will the worm cause other issues? Like eating less? Mine has been thrived the whole time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. M

    [update: babies here] Black molly pregnant or not?

    She is still holding, if pregnant. I did switched her from large tank to small one a few times, could that cause the reabsorption? It’s been a while and she is still swimming relatively fast, only the scales and body (belly) showed discoloration/silver. Earlier you mentioned possible...
  20. M

    [update: babies here] Black molly pregnant or not?

    Thanks a lot for the confirmation. I will keep her in the divided 55 gallon until the fry is out. Btw, should I move fry to a smaller tank for the first couple of weeks? The “sticking out” thing is poop... I just checked her anal for a few minutes but didn’t see anything sticking out. 99% sure...
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    [update: babies here] Black molly pregnant or not?

    I cannot tell since her belly is about this size for 2-3 weeks. Bought her for 6-7 weeks now. I did check old pictures and she didn't look like having this big belly 4 weeks ago. So for a first time mom molly, it takes 6-8 weeks? Please help me find out if she is pregnant. Thank you.
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  24. M

    I think my betta is dying?

    I don’t think it’s ich Tried the bacteria treatment? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. M

    Platy in need of a good home

    I’m in Lex, KY, quite close. Own a 55g with 2 algae eater, 4 Platy, 1 Betta, 2 molly, and a gold fish. Unfortunately I’m unable to adopt them at this moment, although I want them so bad... best luck to the Platy and babies