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  1. S

    Bloated Betta?!

    First, thank you guys so much for all the information, I really really appreciate it!!! I did the Epsom salt treatment for 2 weeks and had been feeding him half a frozen pea a day. I do the epsom salt in a seperate tank, let him soak, then do put him back in his regular tank. I've also been...
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    Bloated Betta?!

    Thank you guys for your quick replies. My sister said the swelling basically started in 1-2 days. From the top I do not think he looks like a pinecone. I have fasted him for a week now, twice feeding him peas. He is still bloated. I fed him just a bit this morning because I was worried since he...
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    Bloated Betta?!

    Hi, I've had my betta fish for a year and 9 months now and on Thursday my sister noticed bloating starting. I was gone for 2 weeks so she was taking care of him. I returned Friday and she said it had started yesterday. He eats 6 pellets of betta food a day. I've tried fasting (fed him Friday...
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    My fish is white and his fins receding!!!

    Wow that's so cool! I love my sweet fish and he just keeps getting better and better!!! Thank you so much for sharing the video! Thanks to everyone for their replies, I'm glad I didn't treat him for a disease he didn't have! I didn't know I had a marble betta, I got him at a free fish event in...
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    My fish is white and his fins receding!!!

    Thank you guys so much!! Such a relief to know that he's going to be okay! I will get him a plant with roots hopefully by the end of the week! I have one more question. When they change color, is it usually so drastic so fast? He used to be a dark red to purple, and now he's almost white and its...
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    My fish is white and his fins receding!!!

    Thanks for all the input! So, he normally is in a 3.5 gallon tank that has a heater that keeps it about 80 degrees and a filter that runs constantly. He has a light which is on for about 14-16 hours a day then off at night. He also has a plant. And he loves the castle when I got it he swam in...
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    My fish is white and his fins receding!!!

    Please help! I've had my betta fish, Narwhal, for over a year and I love him so much! This afternoon I noticed he is all white and his fins color is gone by the body! I don't know what to do! I've moved him to a quarantine tank with aquarium salt. I don't want him to die. I read it may be caused...
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  15. S

    Help my poor fishy!

    A couple more questions... I should move Narwhal to the 1 gallon while I'm getting his real tank cycled, correct? When I do this would you recommend adding aquarium salt to help with his fins? Also, as far as 'acclimating' a fish to a new tank/water, the way I did it was put him and his old...
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    Help my poor fishy!

    Thank you all for all your advice! I had no idea there was so much involved with keeping a fish healthy in a tank! I thought the filter and heater would have been enough. I will get the testing kit and start the cycle and hopefully see some improvement!
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    Help my poor fishy!

    So unfortunately, I don't have a testing kit right now or access to one at the moment. I will order one online but there's no telling when it would get here. So while I wait to get that (hopefully soon!), what do you mean by 'cycling the tank'? I have a carbon filter cartridge in the filter that...
  18. S

    Help my poor fishy!

    Thank you both for your advice! So update, I took a sample of his water to Petsmart to have it tested and they said everything looked good. As far as a water changing schedule, I don't really have a set one. I change about 50% of his water about every 2 weeks. Since he has a carbon filter, I...
  19. S

    Help my poor fishy!

    Hi, I got a free betta fish at a college event in September. Since I've gotten him, I've treated him for Cotton Fin Fungus once and what I thought was recurring fin rot several times from Thanksgiving to Christmas. I used aquarium salt and bettafix (the bettafix actually made it worse), then...