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  1. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    Would cardinal or neon tetras work with a pearl gourami, otos, cherry shrimp, and cory cats? If so, which is more hardy the cardinal or the neon?
  2. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    Also, what about white skirt tetras instead of zebra danios?
  3. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    So, say I decided to start from scratch with just zebra danios and corys. What would be suitable tankmates for them? Preferably ones that are commonly available.
  4. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    I am still playing around with stocking ideas as I am waiting to set up my aquarium. How does this stocking plan look? Any obvious problems? 1 Pearl Gourami 11 Trili Cories 25 Cherry Shrimp 1 Mystery Snail 10 Zebra Danio 25 Ember Tetra 15 Kubotai Rasbora 5 Otos
  5. F

    Osmocote Plus Root Tabs

    How many osmocote plus root tabs would be enough for a 40 gallon breeder? The plants that I am thinking about at this time are java fern, java moss, amazon sword, anubias, pygmy chain sword, water wisteria, hornwort, and marimo moss balls. Thanx in advance.
  6. F

    Help! Bought the wrong canopy...

    I tried. Dr Fosters says they dont take returns on glass canopies. Thus, I'm trying to figure out how to make a center brace. I cannot afford to buy another one at this time.
  7. F

    Help! Bought the wrong canopy...

    I can probably take a picture when I get home. It is the other one though (meant for 50/65 gallons). It is 2 18" pieces already hinged from front to back. They meet at the middle of the tank.
  8. F

    Help! Bought the wrong canopy...

    I have a 40 gallon breeder without a center brace. I bought the versatop 36"x18" canopy not realizing it was 2 pieces. It is non returnable. So, my question is: How can I make a sturdy and easy center brace for cheap? Can I use plexiglass and aquarium silicone?
  9. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    I use aqadvisor as well. It was 101% stocked. However, I have recently changed my stocking idea to 5 otos 13 trili cory 30 kubotai 30 embers 2 mysterly snails 20 cherry shrimp
  10. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    5 otos 13 trili cory 30 kubotai 30 embers 2 mysterly snails 20 cherry shrimp
  11. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    Heres what I'm currently thinking: 8 otos 8 false juli cory 13 habrosus 25 kubotai 25 embers 2 mysterly snails 15 cherry shrimp Any thoughts or suggestions? I know the false juli corys are going against the nano fish theme, but theyve always been some of my favorite fish to keep.
  12. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    Very helpful. I will see about starting with 10-20 for my gallon.
  13. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    I will definitely make sure I have plenty of hiding spaces. What would be a good solid number of cherries to start with? Thank you for the advice about checking the bucket. I'm not sure I would have that about that.
  14. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    I see. I wonder if hasbrosus would be too small to eat cherry shrimp.
  15. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    Would those 2 species be okay with cherry shrimp and corys?
  16. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    I will definitely update about the pH once I actually start buying stuff in February, including my API test kit.
  17. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    Hmm.... So I wouldn't be able to keep about 15 kubotai and 15 cpd (or 20 each) together?
  18. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    Is my pH too high for all of the following? Kubotai rasbora Sparkling gourami CPD Maculata Rasbora
  19. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    So, I am restarting my stocking plan. Any reason I couldnt keep green kubotai rasbora?
  20. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    Do I need to use a pH stabilizer since soft water can change in pH more frequently?
  21. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    How would shrimp and snails do? Specifically nerite, mgs, amano, ghost, and cherry reds?
  22. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    Do any of the nano corys even primarily stay on the bottom of the tank? I know my pygmy corys did not.
  23. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    Beautiful tank. Would doing a 40 gallon tank with just nano fish be feasible under these water conditions and with this tank size?
  24. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    Thank you for the very detailed response. Can you suggest some other bright centerpiece fish (or fish is general) that would do well in this water, and that are commonly available?
  25. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    Here is what I was able to find: pH- avg: 8.0, low: 7.8, high: 8.1 Hardness as CaC03- Measured in ppm- avg: 102, low: 54, high: 220 Measured in grain/gallon- avg: 6.0, low: 3.2, high: 13 Not sure if either of those are gH, but that is all it had listed. Also, yes Malaysian Trumpet Snail.
  26. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    I'm actually not sure of the parameters yet. I have not set up the tank. The light I am looking at is the Beamswork DA 6500k LED. Aqadvisor didn't bring up compatibility issues. Could you please elaborate?
  27. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    That should have read: low light planted 40 gallon breeder tank.
  28. F

    40 Gallon Breeder

    I am planning on setting up a low light 40gal breeder tank and I was wondering how this stocking is: 2 cockatoo apistos 3 platy 3 male guppy 6 otos 1 Bristlenose pleco 8 false juli corys 6 amano shrimp 1 nerite snail 1 pearl gourami 20 chili rasbora 1 mts
  29. F

    75 Gallon Stocking

    Thank you for that. I had no idea about the white skirt tetras being fin nippers. Are they supposed to be kept separately? I keep reading 78 minimum for the GBR. Hmm, what about replacing those with cockatoo apistos? Are there any fish that do well with ADFs or do they have to be in a species...
  30. F

    75 Gallon Stocking

    Hello there! I came up with 2 ideas for stocking a 75 gallon tank this far. I have previously had many tanks, but this will be my biggest one so far. I am thinking of doing a planted tank with black substrate and a black background. I am looking for opinions, advice, alterations, etc...