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  1. D

    Shrimp Problems

    Thanks for all the advice and ya definitely will have star fish crabs etc I have a local marine shop that supplies free RO water as much as you need and sells salt water per gallon for cheap and I was told j only need to get salt water at the beginning then just top off with RO water unless I do...
  2. D

    Shrimp Problems

    Ya it's only been used for fish and I was thinking about getting into salt water as well so it might just be a good idea to get the test kit
  3. D

    Shrimp Problems

    I have not tested for copper I do not have a copper test
  4. D

    Shrimp Problems

    Ya I had 2 harlequins die off and one porkchop but I did not medicate that was over a month ago and the rest of the fish are all good. And that is a good piece of advice I will not use ferts and get a different bucket I am just using a 5 gallon from home depo
  5. D

    Shrimp Problems

    And I asked what kinda tetras they were at the shop he said there nick name are porkchop rasboras I think
  6. D

    Shrimp Problems

    Dang I really like the bishir but if I have to I will get rid of him
  7. D

    Shrimp Problems

    Ok and I asked them about there ph they are 3 blocks from my house and we have about the same water ph he said there's is 7.8-8 and no meds. And the shop owner said the bishir would be ok because it is a species that dosnt get over 7 ish inches right now he is about 3
  8. D

    Shrimp Problems

    I didn't start putting shrimp in tell 4 months after I had a established tank so it wasnt that and I did just put in today 17 neon tetras two more amano shrimp and a small bishir my fish store said it wouldn't bother anything besides maybe the smallest pleco but he should be fine. And I dont...
  9. D

    Shrimp Problems

    That's what I was thinking my gouramis were eating them. The cherry shrimp are supper small.
  10. D

    Shrimp Problems

    And no CO2
  11. D

    Shrimp Problems

    Should I change what ferts I use?
  12. D

    Shrimp Problems

    Dissaper. The guys at my fish store said that the bodies will desinergrate and I wouldn't see bodies my new amani shrimp came out last night I saw him for the first time since I got him. I use sachem flourish it says it has .0001% copper
  13. D

    Shrimp Problems

    I am new to the fish tank hobby. i started about 3 months ago. i have a 40 gallon planted tank i have 4 very big amazon swords, java moss, some fern looking plants, water lettuce, frogbit, some duck weed, and a few other plants i don't remember. As for fish i have a male powder blue gourami, 2...