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  1. Dnee1977

    Betta with missing scales

    Thank You both of you! I appreciate you taking the time to help! Mahalo!
  2. Dnee1977

    Betta with missing scales

    Thank you for your reply. Yes the tank is cycled. It was home for one of my baby female Bettas who has now reached adulthood and was moved to my community tank.
  3. Dnee1977

    Betta with missing scales

    Hi, I purchased an adult male Betta a week ago (Ninja). I bought him because I’ve never seen a black Betta with sky blue tints in its finnage. Anyways, I bought him even though he has some missing scales on his head. He is temporarily in a 2.5 gallon tank just in case I need to use meds. (I have...
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  7. Dnee1977

    Baby Bettas

    Ok thank you :) Here are some pics to see the difference in their size:
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  11. Dnee1977

    Baby Bettas

    Hi I am still rather new, but raised fish before. I just have a question regarding baby Bettas. I currently have 3 baby/juvenile female Bettas: Luna- white with red fins measures a little less than an inch; I’ve had her for about 3 months Jaws- brownish reddish, measures a little less than an...
  12. Dnee1977

    Pregnant Blue Platy

    UPDATE: She gave birth last night; this morning I spent 3 hours catching 37 extremely tiny babies :) I just got a tank for my baby Swords 2weeks ago; now I need to get another one....right now they’re separated in 1-gallon tanks
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  15. Dnee1977

    Pregnant Blue Platy

    Thank You both I will give it another week to see if she gives birth, if not I will treat her for worms.
  16. Dnee1977

    Pregnant Blue Platy

    Worms? I’ve never heard of that. Is there any treatment for that?
  17. Dnee1977

    Pregnant Blue Platy

    Hi, I’m new to this forum. I just have a question regarding my blue Platy. I bought her a month ago, she was already pregnant and had some scales missing. I just wanted to know if it looks like she will give birth soon.
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  20. Dnee1977

    Swordtail Fry

    Thank you :) Took me awhile to find my way back to this thread lol I’ll start with a 10-gallon then upgrade to a 20 when they get a little bigger. They’re so tiny and cute. Thank you for the wonderful advice
  21. Dnee1977

    Swordtail Fry

    Hi, my female Swordtail gave birth 4 days ago; I was able to save 12 of the fry. So I now have 2 one-gallon tanks with 6 swordtail fry in each. I want to house them together. Should I get a 10-gallon or 20-gallon? I need to decide soon so I can properly cycle the tank.