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  1. I

    Kribensis breeding?

    ok I'll keep a look out for them
  2. I

    Kribensis breeding?

    Aren't the babies free swimming though as soon as they have hatched? As I haven't seen any.
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    Kribensis breeding?

    That would explain it then i didn't know they moved their eggs. I should have looked into it a bit more before I got them, however I was told they were hard to breed that's why I got them, never mind thanks for the help.
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    Kribensis breeding?

    Update on the kribs the male has cleared out another piece of drift wood and the female keeps switching between the two could this be that she hasn't decided where she wants to lay her eggs yet?? I'm a little confuse as I thought they would pick one and this is where they would stay correct me...
  5. I

    Hello fish lovers

    This is the only picture I could get of the spotted Dora catfish all the others were hiding
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    Hello fish lovers

    Hi no its a red tail gourami he is in his own tank as yes he is aggressive but the other one is still a baby but if she does get to big for her boots then she will go into her own tank its hard to get a pictures if them as they do tend to hide quite alot picture is of the red tail giant gourami
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    Kribensis breeding?

    Thanks for the advise I'll keep an eye out for the babies as she still hasn't left the bit of drift wood not even for her favourite food of brineshrimp
  8. I

    Starting my first tank, no idea which fish to get!

    All of those fish can go together but the gobies do like more softer water between 6-6.5 where as the others like a pH between 7-7.5 they can live in pH levels as high as 8 but gobies can not gobies usually prefer cooler water then the others to so that is also something you need think about as...
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    Kribensis breeding?

    Hi, I recently got some kribensis (1 male 2 female) any way my question is that are they trying to breed as 1of my female kribensis ended up dead I think she was killed by the other kribs as she had a chunk missing out of her stomach, but the other 2 were nowhere to be seen I looked and looked...
  10. I

    Hello fish lovers

    Hello I thought I would introduce myself and tell you what fish i currently have my name is ivy i have two beautiful children my oldest is 3 and my youngest is 3 months and they both love looking at the fish as much as me and my partner do my oldest even has her very own 300ltr tank a bit much i...