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  1. MortisiaDowler

    Brown algae?

    I am thinking of endlers. I know the water is hard but everyone I know have a beta in their home. They are so popular pet shops are overstocked. And secondly most pet shops have the bad reputations. When I lived in the USA I bought 3 ferrets from Petco only because I felt sorry for them as...
  2. MortisiaDowler

    Brown algae?

    We asked about taking them back and they refused. They also gave birth both of them and I had to remove that fish from the tank. Yes the brown algae or that bacteria is easy to clean up. For the past week my ammonia is at 0 but nitrites and nitrates kind of high. I will take your advice and do...
  3. MortisiaDowler

    New to Fish Cycling- Please Help

    Update: I did the most unorthodox thing ever. Because the biorb is using ceramic media which are small- medium rocks some of the fry got trapped and died there. I tried to take them out with the net but I couldn't so I panicked that they would mess up my tank cycle. So I kept 10 liters of the...
  4. MortisiaDowler

    Brown algae?

    Hello everyone? I am currently cycling a 3 week 30lt biorb tube tank with 2 sailfin mollies (one of them just gave birth to 15 little ones just this morning). I have noticed that the past 3 days brown algae has appeared on the artificial plants I have. I was wondering if its normal or something...
  5. MortisiaDowler

    New to Fish Cycling- Please Help

    Hello how are you? I am still cycling the tank and this morning my sailfin molly gave birth to I think 8 small ones. What can I do now? Take them out of the fish tank or leave them there? Do they eat the tropical fish food I am giving the big ones? I'm panicked and excited at the same time. And...
  6. MortisiaDowler

    New to Fish Cycling- Please Help

    Hi how are you??? I had a big ammonia spike as yesterday I didnt change the water because of work. My readings for today were: Ammonia 0.50ppm Nitrite: 0.50ppm Nitrate: 20ppm I did a 75% water change. I just wanted to ask you if u have any idea how to clean the gravel at the biorb tank. As it...
  7. MortisiaDowler

    New to Fish Cycling- Please Help

    Thank you so much for your help!!! And I got it now. Water bill is gonna be a bit expensive this time
  8. MortisiaDowler

    New to Fish Cycling- Please Help

    Well I just did a water change and I just fed them. The other way around. Because it's already 7pm here. And tomorrow I'm just working all day so I may not have time to do a water change. Oh ok got it now with the nitrite and ammonia. Thank you so much for your help!!
  9. MortisiaDowler

    New to Fish Cycling- Please Help

    I counted the water parameters today and I have Ammonia 0.25ppm and 0ppm of Nitrite. Shall I do a water change or feed the fish and wait till tomorrow?
  10. MortisiaDowler

    Stocking 30L Biorb Tube

    This might seem like a stupid question but forgive for I am a newbie. Can I use distilled water in the aquarium?
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  13. MortisiaDowler

    New to Fish Cycling- Please Help

    I have a thermometer sepearate from the heater that tells me the temp. I have a floating one and one I always leave on the tank wall away from the heater so it could tell me the right temp. The temperature is now down to 26C (80C).
  14. MortisiaDowler

    New to Fish Cycling- Please Help

    The temp has gone down to 26C (80F). So now I will turn up the heater to 25C to keep the temp steady.
  15. MortisiaDowler

    New to Fish Cycling- Please Help

    It is a biorb heater and its switched off now. I removed the lid too for the temp to go down. Its 3 degrees more than what they can handle. I turned their light off as well. I put lukewarm water during the water change and I think that brought the temp up. Hopefully it will be ok by later tonight.
  16. MortisiaDowler

    New to Fish Cycling- Please Help

    I put lukewarm water in it. I took the lid off and turned the light off as well. No the tank it's not in a hot room. Mollies tend to do ok at 27C. Hopefully it will go down in a couple of hours.
  17. MortisiaDowler

    New to Fish Cycling- Please Help

    I have turned it off and I am waiting for the temp to go down. I'm kind of stressed because it's still at 30C.
  18. MortisiaDowler

    New to Fish Cycling- Please Help

    Well yeah I have read really bad things about the biorbs but a guy he knows has the same as ours and he never had any problems with water quality. We have limited space so it's good for one or two small fish for us. But personally I would for a rectangular tank like the one I had a few years...
  19. MortisiaDowler

    New to Fish Cycling- Please Help

    I took the readings and I have: Ph: 7.6 High range ph: 8.2 Ammonia: 0.25ppm Nitrite: 0.25ppm Nitrate: I didnt count it. After the readings I did a 75% (20L) water change which I treated with API Stress Coat. Temp at the moment is 30C. Two to three degrees higher than usual tank temp.I turned...
  20. MortisiaDowler

    New to Fish Cycling- Please Help

    Thank you so much for your help. I'm still waiting for the test kit to arrive and once here I will test the water and update you. Again thanks very helpful!
  21. MortisiaDowler

    New to Fish Cycling- Please Help

    I thought I didn't have to touch the filter at all when doing the water change as any bacteria there is helpful for the tank cycling?
  22. MortisiaDowler

    Stocking 30L Biorb Tube

    Hello everyone, My husband bought a Biorb Tube 30L and we are cycling it now. We have two sailfin mollies in there. We were wondering what fish would be more suitable for this tank? We were thinking of guppies, rummy nose, neon tetras or cardinal tetras, glowlight tetras but we don't know if...
  23. MortisiaDowler

    New to Fish Cycling- Please Help

    Hello thank you so much for your help. I will be changing the water today once I do the ammonia readings. From what I understand would I have to do the 75% water change daily until the cycle is complete? Also, I will be returning the items that are not useful. Thank you for that!! Today I will...
  24. MortisiaDowler

    New to Fish Cycling- Please Help

    Hello everyone! Well I have a few questions as my husband messed up really bad. While I was on holiday he wanted to surprise me with an aquarium. He went to Pets At Home and bought a 30L Biorb Tube. They advised him from the pet shop to fill it up and add the Water Conditioner and the...