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    180litre juwal tank. Sticking question

    I thought the gouramis were a top level fish? Ya I am waiting for the store to get back in the Julii Corys and will get three more so thanks :) the temp is 28degrees and pH is 6.8-7. I do 20percent Water changes every ten days. Ammonia,nitrite and nitrate readings are ok and I feed them normal...
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    180litre juwal tank. Sticking question

    Hello I have my 180litre tank going over six weeks now, I have 9 Harlequin rasboras and one scissor tail rasbora (got in the bag by mistake) and three Julii Cory's since week 4 all doing well, had one Cory die at the start. After one week I've got 11 cardinal tetras now with mixed results. And I...
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    Juwel 180l tank stocking suggestions

    Hey this is my new aquarium 180 liter Juwel tank. I have started setting it up. Just wondering is there anyway to speed up the cycling process? Sorry if this post is in the wrong place, I am trying to do a fishless cycle to get set up properly. I have added tetra filter active bacteria into the...
  4. Aquarium.JPG


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    Juwel 180l tank stocking suggestions

    Good stuff thanks for the plant advice will check them out. The glowlight tetras look very nice also btw.
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    Juwel 180l tank stocking suggestions

    Great stuff, well the jewul Rio 180 is ordered with the cabinet and on its way. I will do that so more cardinals if possible to start with and Cory's and see how they go but only eventually after the pH level and plants are sorted. I was thinking of getting black sand substrate. Any...
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    Juwel 180l tank stocking suggestions

    thanks so much for the helpful replies. Ya I will test the water as soon as possible for water hardness and confirm the pH with the ApI kit. So eventually if the water is cycled properly and the water hardness test is OK,i was think of stocking the tank like this if it is OK. 1. 6-8 cardinal...
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    Juwel 180l tank stocking suggestions

    By healthy do you mean swimming ok and no unusual marks or deformations? Anything else I should look at, I know some stores are not supposed to be great for advice as they are just trying to make a sale
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    Juwel 180l tank stocking suggestions

    Great advice thank you so much. I will look into getting one at the end of this week.
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    Juwel 180l tank stocking suggestions

    Perfect will do, would you recommend any specific water testing kits? Do you think that after a few months and if there are no ammonia or nitrate spikes adding the Cory's and neon or cardinals waiting another month if there is no issues that the dwarf gouramis 1 male and two females would be OK...
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    Juwel 180l tank stocking suggestions

    Great stuff, so maby 4/5 panda Cory's would be ok? As I think they are better in small groups , is that OK for 180 juwel tank?
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    Juwel 180l tank stocking suggestions

    Sorry I was wrong with the original pH the area I am in is pH 7 and the water is soft.
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    Juwel 180l tank stocking suggestions

    Sorry correction my closer areas latest pH level is 7, I will get a proper testing kit obviously before doing anything
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    Juwel 180l tank stocking suggestions

    No not at all thank you so much for responding, after checking the local water area tests for the last month it says the pH level has varied from 7.9 to 8.3.
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    Juwel 180l tank stocking suggestions

    Hello, I am thinking of getting a 48gallon /180 juwel fish tank dimensions 101cm x 41cm x 50 CM (based on cost and space), I know this will take a long time to cycle the water correctly, and I am hoping to plant it with live plants and driftwood,etc. I know this may take a month or so to get the...