Search results

  1. J

    Building an Acrylic Tank

    I'm considering my own DIY Acrylic Tank build. It will only be a small cube-shaped tank possibly 15 by 13 inches in area and 13" in height. These are the choices of Acrylic I have here in the UK and I am just wondering which you believe would be the better option to go for? The prices are per...
  2. J

    Aquarium Tank Reviews?

    Just wondered what your views are on the best Aquarium tanks for fish keeping? I know its very subjective and a lot of people might just say whether something is good or bad based on what they own and give that a score but I am just wondering if you were buying a new tank today in different...
  3. J

    Small fast moving white things

    I have a small amount of Detrius worms in my aquarium but I also have these other tiny white incredibly fast moving round white things. Are they Copepods? And what the heck are Copepods exactly? I'd also love to have some advice on what fish like to eat them most :)