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  1. Mamaorca77

    Safely raising pH

    And I will look into the Rift Lake conditioner. I believe i did see that yesterday..cant remember if it was at the store or Amazon tho
  2. Mamaorca77

    Safely raising pH

    Colin, I don't have rams. Just Africans. I'm very interested in rams, and plan to get them, but for a different tank. I have moved the Africans from my 20 to a new 36 bow front with sand/gravel/shell substrate and at my last check on params (2 hrs ago) my pH was at 8.1. They did not have a GH or...
  3. Mamaorca77

    Safely raising pH

    Ok, sorry I didn't reply sooner, 4th of July and such. I don't have a test for KH or GH. I plan to make a run to get supplies this wk and can pick one up, but the last time I was there, I grabbed the API master kit and didn't know I needed the others since I, at that time, had only fish that...
  4. Mamaorca77

    Safely raising pH

    Cool thanks again. Ur like a walking encyclopedia!!
  5. Mamaorca77

    Safely raising pH

    Hey guys, so I have my cichlids waiting for their new home in my 20g, and last night was wc night, I noticed when I took my reading beforehand that my nitrates were a bit high and I was seeing a trace of nitrite, so I did basically a whole tank change (I was going to change the substrate from...
  6. Mamaorca77

    Help me identify my cichlids??

    Demeter, good to know about the egg spots! I def don't want to lose any, and want to make sure they have a safe, comfy home with as little aggression as possible considering their species! Lol I am keeping them in a species only tank, and they will be moved asap, I'm just waiting on a tank to...
  7. Mamaorca77

    Help me identify my cichlids??

    So, can u do a filter, etc in the storage containers? And btw, the more I look at the odd fish, the more I think he may be an obliquiden..he is very colorful, but seems his colors are muted or faded.. I am seeing orange, yellow, green, red..just pale.
  8. Mamaorca77

    Help me identify my cichlids??

    Colin, I researched a bit on sexing them. Males have a spot (or a few) on their anal fins. Females don't. From looking that these guys, I have 3 males and a female..oh My!
  9. Mamaorca77

    Help me identify my cichlids??

    Oh, and I'm starting to wonder if maybe that fish is some kind of hybrid? Because I can't find anything with his coloring and stripe pattern/head shape, etc..he is truly a cool looking fish, and seems to hold his own with the kenyi
  10. Mamaorca77

    Help me identify my cichlids??

    I was really hoping for rams for the same reason (not as aggressive) but these guys were my son's fave and a bit cheaper, which with all the cash I've put out lately, is a plus! If i manage to find some rams or less aggressive ones nearby, I will def be looking into doing what u suggested on the...
  11. Mamaorca77

    Help me identify my cichlids??

    Not seeing a dip on his head. And yeah, the one at the shop was yellow with black horizontal, I guess he's out! I was hitting Google again, and the zebras don't really look like him..hmm.. As for sexing cichlids, so I got the kenyi is blue female/yellow male. Any ideas on the acei and...
  12. Mamaorca77

    Help me identify my cichlids??

    Oooh Colin, that would work! So, it seems that I'm great at picking aggressive fish! Lol Do you think I should worry about the acei?! You said, and I've read, they are more peaceful than kenyi and the zebra mbuna...
  13. Mamaorca77

    Help me identify my cichlids??

    A couple of better pics of the one we're not sure on. He's a beauty, I can't catch his colors good, but the tips of his dorsal fin are bright green and as u see, he's got an orange tint to him, as well as an orange glow to his eyes
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  16. Mamaorca77

    Help me identify my cichlids??

    Mikey, I actually looked into convicts and rams. The only issue was finding rams locally, and the lack of color with convicts. I'm all about a mix of color! Lol these are DEFINITELY African, so convict is not an option, unless as Colin stated that is a common name. I'm seriously debating going...
  17. Mamaorca77

    Help me identify my cichlids??

    No sir, Colin! Thanks to you lovely people and tons of research, I knew better! They are in their own tank. I had somebody tell me the 1st 2 are male and female kenyi, the acei is the 3rd and the 4th is a zebra obliquiden. Idk if kenyi is a common name for what you said, but it appears that I do...
  18. Mamaorca77

    Help me identify my cichlids??

    Oh, obviously I bought 4 even tho I intended on getting 2. The guy took too long coming to bag my 2 and I fell in love with the other 2! Lol
  19. Mamaorca77

    Help me identify my cichlids??

    Hey guys, so after debating back and forth and a few tank moves, etc, I took the leap today and went to buy 2 African cichlids. My lfs only had the tank labeled as "African cichlids" no breakdown of what was what. So, I'm scrolling thru Google because I like knowing who is who in my tanks and if...
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  24. Mamaorca77

    What now?!

    Ok getting on that as soon as I get home. Thanks
  25. Mamaorca77

    Miraculous Mystery Fry!

    I thought maybe endlers..which is ironic because I was looking for some earlier the day I found this guy! He's definitely a fighter, and I'm so glad I got him out of that hellish tank! I've got to stop going to that place, because my soft heart hurts every time I see those mistreated fish! Makes...
  26. Mamaorca77

    What now?!

    Colin, I know!! I thought I had it under control and then all hell broke loose!! I feel horrible so I accept your wrist slap and have given myself a few!! I wondered about the pH, it was higher just last wk, could it be dueto the meds?! Or the half million wc's I've done lately?! I did a 75% WC...
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  28. Mamaorca77

    Miraculous Mystery Fry!

    I went to Wal-Mart last night for supplies and as I was checking out their (pathetic) tanks, I found this little one in a tank with 20+ adults platy and lyretail mollies. No substrate, no plants, no place to hide! I had to get him/her because I have no clue how the heck it survived to the size...
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  31. Mamaorca77

    What now?!

    Better pics maybe..
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  34. Mamaorca77

    What now?!

    The Lifeguard was great! I think maybe my filter was the issue with not completely eradicating the ich. That or the swordtail that I didn't have a tank to quarantine brought it back. Remedied that situation, now this! Lol Worst part is I had planned to move a few fish around because this one is...
  35. Mamaorca77

    What now?!

    She's all over the place but I got this when she was sitting on the bottom. Pretty sure it's ich..little white spots that look like sand on her fins and along her back, and I've seen her flashing a cpl times. I have read about the heat treatment but my heater on this tank won't let me adjust the...
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  37. Mamaorca77

    I think I'm about to be a new fry aunt again! This time it's the guppy! Yippeee

    I think I'm about to be a new fry aunt again! This time it's the guppy! Yippeee
  38. Mamaorca77

    What now?!

    Tank specs.. 20 gal freshwater Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0-0.25ppm test have fluctuated the past cpl days Nitrate 10ppm pH 6.8 Temp 76F Current fish 3 female platy 2 female guppy 2 albino cory 1 female swordtail The only new addition is the swordtail. All males (2 male guppies, 2 male platy, and 1 male...
  39. Mamaorca77

    Seeding a filter with used media to cycle

    That's what I ended up doing seangee. The more I thought about it, the more sense it made to do that. Ntm I'm terrified of something going wrong in my established tanks! Especially the fry tank, as these are my 1st and I don't want to feel like I did something to hurt them. I'm a huge softy...
  40. Mamaorca77

    Seeding a filter with used media to cycle

    I know, I will keep them in my fish bucket with water til I get them in I've worked way too hard getting everything established to let an avoidable disaster happen now!