Search results

  1. Kascopic

    My Beautiful Bettas and Addiction to Neocaridina Shrimp

    Hello! I just wanted to show off my set up and ask some questions (questions at bottom of the post). I purchased a used 120 gal tank back in February and started to stock it. Ive always loved bettas and have been in the general fish keeping hobby since I was 6 or 7 but now have an obsession for...
  2. Kascopic

    Breeding for Profit in a 10 gallon?

    hi, I have an empty 10 gallon fully cycled and I want to put something in it to breed for profit. I have live bearers already set up and I know about shrimp which I might go for if I can find a good supplier but I was wondering if anyone knows of any fish that will breed easily in a 10 gallon...
  3. Kascopic

    Can freshwater pipefish eat microworms?

    I have a 10 gallon aquarium I would like to use for some thing more challenging and interesting than bettas or live bearers. I was looking at freshwater pipefish and I was wondering if they would eat microworms? And if someone could give me some information on their care If not what would be an...
  4. Kascopic

    Can someone sex my firemouth Cichlid?

    Here’s a lighter pic
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  8. Kascopic

    Can someone sex my firemouth Cichlid?

    I’ve had him (I think) for a while and I’m wondering if he is a he? I have two other females in his tank (one has layer eggs before and the other looks too plump to be a male) and he hasn’t shown interest in them only than chasing them away. In these pics I was trying to get a picture of his...
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  14. Kascopic

    Gold Barb has a Distended Abdomen?

    hi, I have this gold barb and have had him/her for a while now. I've noticed that he/she has a distended belly and I was wondering if this could be an issue. He/she is swimming fine and has never shown any symptoms other than the belly. They both are very active and voracious eaters so I haven't...
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  21. Kascopic

    Can someone sex my mexican dwarf crayfish?

    I have no idea, he/she is about 1-1.5 inches and will probably max out at 2-3 inches so I think it would be possible to catch a minnow. I know there are many other species of crayfish that definitely could catch and eat minnows
  22. Kascopic

    Can someone sex my mexican dwarf crayfish?

    I just bought a Mexican dwarf crayfish for my livebearer tank (platies, mollies, and swordtails) and was wondering if someone could tell me if he/she is male or female? I think she’s female but idk
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  25. Kascopic

    My favourite derpy snail •——•

    Thank :) I think he’s an apple snail
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  27. Kascopic

    My favourite derpy snail •——•

    I don’t think so, he has a trapdoor kind of thing going for him and I have rams horns in my other tank, also he has a broader shell Also, Amano shrimp with eggs :)
  28. Kascopic

    My favourite derpy snail •——•

    I like him, not quite sure what kind of snail tho cause I got him as a replacement from a pet store i originally bought a nerite snail from. The guy who fished him I don’t think knew what a nerite snail looked like. Someone wanna identify him for me? Here Ye go, I’ve named he/she my lil sea cow :}
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  33. Kascopic

    Help! Platy giving birth to dormant/unfertilized eggs?

    Also, she is still quite large, how long until she’s done? I will just submerge the breeder box into the main tank once it’s safe to release her
  34. Kascopic

    Help! Platy giving birth to dormant/unfertilized eggs?

    None of them are developed in the slightest which threw me for a loop cause she was pregnant in my friends tank and shouldn’t the eggs be at least a little developed rather than almost empty?
  35. Kascopic

    Help! Platy giving birth to dormant/unfertilized eggs?

    Hi, so I got a new Plath a few days ago and saw that she was pregnant to I put her into a breeder box and this morning she expelled a clear yellow egg, ive raised live bearers before so this normally wouldn’t get me concerned however I came back several hours later and she released a few more...
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  39. Kascopic

    very small firemouth female and reclusive behaviour

    I don't mind, you post good questions that help me too