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  1. R


    I only have the pictures of Wobble.. the rest I deleted and didn't keep, it made me sad to look at :( . We didn't know what those brown scales were and he was the only fish that had it. Also, the two fish I talked about died, I have two fish left + the Pleco. Dart has fin rot right now...
  2. R


    So I have had 5 fish die in less than a week. We haven't changed what we are doing, our theory is that the sickness jus Thor too strong and the poor babies couldn't handle it anymore, 3 have died from dropsy, 1 had fin rot, 1 was having buoyancy issues. We are still doing the salt and water...
  3. R


    Thank you for all of your help. We are going to continue with the reef salt in the main tank. I'm hoping we took her out soon enough and she didn't infect anyone else but we won't know for awhile. Thank you very very much.
  4. R


    She has dropsy. We are going to euthanize her so it's more humane. She looks very very bad
  5. R


    Ryder's movement has decreased considerably. Now she's just laying on her side when I take her out to clean the hospital tank. She can swim but only very little. She's breathing but very slowly. This looks to be about it for her.
  6. R


    So.. don't use the medicine? Ryder has gotten worse. She's not using her tail to swim and she's tipped over a little bit, not on her side tho. She looks for really be struggling..
  7. R


    Question for the hospital tank, On the directions it says for a dip to only put her in there for no more than 10 seconds... for a bath, that is different correct? How long do I put her in there for? And its roughly 5 gallons so I would add half of a teaspoon... And okay we will get the reef...
  8. R


    Question, Collin, Would Reef salt be better than Aquarium salt during the water changes? There is no rift lake salt around us so we've been doing the heaps of aquarium salt.
  9. R


    Bryon you really don't help other than making me feel awful. Yes I'm doing water changed and adding daily, the ph level, nitrite, nitrate, and GH are all where they are supposed to be. The water could be a little bit harder but I'm continuing with the water changes and stuff. I plan on doing...
  10. R


    Her eyes are getting that white puffy again
  11. R


    Incoming pictures The spot that I worry about the most is under/behind her gills. You can see in the photos that they are a little raised and darker than the rest of her body/kind of greenish/cloudy. There isn't any growth on them, like fuzzy or anything, and nothing external attached to...
  12. R


    Hey there, So my fish miraculously survived. I thought they were going to die because all of their eyes were swollen and they were acting very unusual plus the other person said they would. None of the stores around me have the medicine you talked about so we had to order it but it's taking...
  13. R


    So update, All of them are pretty much getting big eyes. So I guess y'all were right. I'm probably going to lose them all because of this. I tried so hard to keep them healthy. :(
  14. R


    Okay I will, my mom looked in a few stores for it but she couldn't find it, gonna try getting it from Critters... might have to order it online. And I've been dosing as minimally as possible ph up, got it up a little bit so that's good, don't wanna do more for a little while. And thank you!
  15. R


    Okay will do thank you so much.
  16. R


    Question for Colin, Am I supposed to add the salt in the bucket every time I do water changes?
  17. R


    The right is the updated strip. It's better, pH seems to be lower but it's getting there.
  18. R


    Update on Ryder: I apologize for the blurry pics, she is zipping around a little bit. Had her in a makeshift tank but after I was done cleaning it she completely jumped out once and jumped again but landed back in the water. She's in the main tank for the night and while I'm in class so...
  19. R


    Okay got my water tested. Worse that I thought. Any ideas on how to get my nitrite lower? And my KH Higher? Went to the pet store but Petco doesn't hold medicine like that or the rock stuff so I'll be going to critters tomorrow morning to get it. What do you think?
  20. R


    pH is at 7.6, temp is kept at 75-76 and yeah we do get a lot fry. I have been wanting to give the boy to another friend because my one main girl fish has given birth like 4 times already. This last time I'm not sure if it was one or two fish that gave birth on the same day. We ended up with...
  21. R


  22. R


    Okay I got her out without any trouble, waiting for my last bucket to aerate before I set up the temp tank. Do you think I should add some aquarium salt to that as well as tank water?
  23. R


    Okay, I can set up the bucket I use for changing out the water to be a temp home for her, I have an extra filter as well... thank you so much for your help. Her eyes worry me a lot. I hope she isn't in pain.
  24. R


    The other fish are starting to bother her.. should I separate her and put her in a little tubberware? Probably not the breeder box again, right?
  25. R


    Also, will aquarium salt work or do I specifically need rock salt? It's okay if I do, just want to be sure.
  26. R


    Her eyes are huge her lips are still a little swollen but man...
  27. R


    She has begun clamping her find and her tail. She is also wiggling more to try to get around or stay in place instead of using her tail.
  28. R


  29. R


    i have a 20 gallon tank with 7 Mollies - 1 male, 4 female, 2 babies. I have been trying for a long time to get my tank up to a better condition. For the last month or so. One of my Mollies, Ryder, has been having patches of raised scales in certain places. At first the fish store said it was...