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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. D

    Ammonia crisisn

    Hi everyone, once again thank you all for your help, the ammonia levels in my tank are now back to normal and I haven’t lost anymore fish they all seem back to their normal happy selves and I also know now how to ensure this doesn’t happen again so thank you everyone
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    Ammonia crisisn

    Thank you for everyone else’s replies I’ll make sure that I do daily water changes for the time being then. So far today I have done a 50% water change and cleaned my filter, I noticed both the carbon and other foam were quite slimy and brown, I’ve cleaned them the best I can (using tank water)...
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    Ammonia crisisn

    Thank you for your reply I’ll check my tap water and get back to you with the results for them. I vacuum into the middle of the tank when I do water changes so I avoid the plants and I do try to clean my filter weekly is this okay or should I try doing it more often for the time being? And...
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    Ammonia crisisn

    This is the results I got when I looked up the water hardness (sorry don’t really understand it)
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  6. D

    Ammonia crisisn

    Thanks for the reply my tank dimensions are length 63cm height 40cm and depth 32cm the tanks curved at the front so it’s not the easiest thing to measure sorry. I barely have any fish left in the tank (I lost another adult platy tonight) so I only have one adult platy, one baby platy, 2 baby...
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    Ammonia crisisn

    so I’ve had my tank for about a year now, so I’m still pretty new to all this so I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. I set the tank up correctly introduced fish slowly and ever since I’ve lost count of how many fish I’ve lost from illnesses which I’ve then medicated (following advice I’ve...
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