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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Reaeve

    Bristlenose or rubber lip?

    Is that just a personal preference or is there a reason?
  2. Reaeve

    Bristlenose or rubber lip?

    I have a 37 gal highly decorated tank. Currently I have 3 mollies my stocking plan as of now is: The 3 mollies 3 platies 6 panda or peppered cories 1 dwarf gourami And either BN or RL pleco. Which would get along with the cories best or are they pretty much similar?
  3. Reaeve

    6 weeks into fishless cycle and ammonia is dropping slow

    Add fish even though it's not processing the ammonia yet? It's processing nitrites fast bc I never get a reading just straight to nitrates.
  4. Reaeve

    6 weeks into fishless cycle and ammonia is dropping slow

    Hi. I don't post much on here but I'm at a loss. I started cycling my first tank (37 gal, ph 8.2, KH and GH between 15 and 17, temp is around 84-85F) I've added tss+ twice once before I got a new filter (switch as much media as I could to new filter) then added another a little later. Just this...
  5. Reaeve

    Every time I get a new test result...

    I'm too scared to fish in cycle. I have a toddler also so I'm avoiding multi weekly water changes unless I have to. Lol
  6. Reaeve

    Every time I get a new test result...

    I'm gonna run a sponge filter for that reason lol
  7. Reaeve

    Every time I get a new test result...

    ... I get so excited. And then I remember I still gotta wait. If I could let the tank run it's cycle and not have to look at it and test it I would be good and I could maybe not think about it all the freaking time. I think I've become obsessed and no one understand why I love it so much. Lol
  8. Reaeve

    Different corydoras behavior

    That's so cute! Makes sense since they're catfish but I wouldn't have thought they would.
  9. Reaeve

    Ask Questions About Cycling

    Now I have a sponge, old floss from old filter, half a sponge (cut to fit QT filter), then seachem matrix.
  10. Reaeve

    Ask Questions About Cycling

    No it slowly drops to 1ppm over a couple days. It's so slow! I probably didn't have a lot of BB to switch. I only had a carbon filter in it and I cut off as much of the floss bag (Whatever it's called) as possible. The other bio cartridge was just a plastic piece with big holes and bumps. Not...
  11. Reaeve

    Ask Questions About Cycling

    Even if I switched over the media? Dang it. Lol thx
  12. Reaeve

    Ask Questions About Cycling

    How can u tell if the cycle has stalled or if it's just slow? I've been cycling for almost 4 weeks and about a week ago I got 5ppm nitrates and has stayed there. I haven't seen any nitrites, it's always 0ppm. I've been dosing to 2ppm ammonia. I've done 5 supplemental doses and with the initial...
  13. Reaeve

    Different corydoras behavior

    Yea I was just gonna do 6 or one species. I'm leaning towards peppered but we'll see if that holds until I'm done cycling lol
  14. Reaeve

    Cycling almost 4 weeks. Possibly stalled

    Should I up the ammonia or stay with it? Would adding tss+ to this new filter help? Do I need to be patient a little longer?
  15. Reaeve

    Different corydoras behavior

    Does behavior really differ from species to species? I know pygmeaus swims more mid than others and pandas like it cooler but are certain ones more active or playful or shy? Is it mostly just a color, size, temp choice when choosing which one? Just curious.
  16. Reaeve

    Cycling almost 4 weeks. Possibly stalled

    I started cycling my 37 gal 30 x 12.4 x 22in. Almost 4 weeks ago. Ph was 8.2 and was there still when checked last. My temp fluctuates between 82 and 82.2F. My KH was 18° (I haven't retested but maybe I should since I have the kit). I have my filter and a bubbler for aeration. I'm using 3%...
  17. Reaeve

    Ask Questions About Cycling

    Do I need to perform water changes during the cycle?
  18. Reaeve

    I can't decide on what kind of fish I want!!

    I can't decide on what kind of fish I want!!
  19. Reaeve

    Water hardness

    I found a good read on this and decided not to soften my water. Thanks guys
  20. Reaeve

    Am I ready to fill with water and start cycling?

    Thx. My tank is full and conditioned. I'll start adding ammonia tonight. Why am I so nervous? Lol Anyways, thanks again for the assurance and support.
  21. Reaeve

    Water hardness

    Is there a post or link I could read to see if I could possibly do this?
  22. Reaeve

    Water hardness

    Is it plausible to mix tap and distilled water (or similar) to drop my hardness if I wanted tetras? My hardness is around 250ppm. I know is over 215 for kh and gh. My ph is at 8.2. I haven't cycle yet. I'm gonna cycle with my normal tap. I do really want tetras but if it would be too hard to...
  23. Reaeve

    Am I ready to fill with water and start cycling?

    I'm scared to mess up as I'm a fish newbie. My parameters are ph of 8.2 And both gh and kh higher than 214 ppm. I have ammonia and used a calculator to find out how much to add to my size tank. 14 ml of 3% ammonia for my 37 gal. Is all I need to do is condition my water for chlorine and add to...
  24. Reaeve

    Ask Questions About Cycling

    My water is off the chart hard. I can test again but it read above the 213 ppm
  25. Reaeve

    Ask Questions About Cycling

    My parameters are ph about 7.5 And water hardness is very high. Can I cycle with hard water and later add "pure" water to soften it for my fish? Or do I need softer water to cycle better?
  26. Reaeve

    Ask Questions About Cycling

    Thanks for the help!
  27. Reaeve

    New to the fishy hobby!

    Right! I order a kit. It was only $7.
  28. Reaeve

    New to the fishy hobby!

    I could take it to the fish shop. We just have petsmart here. I would post the water department link but I'm a weirdo and don't like internet folk knowing where I live. Lmao
  29. Reaeve

    Ask Questions About Cycling

    I'm getting ready to set up and cycle my first tank soon. Can i cycle with plants in? I'm doing add ammonia cycling. I'm thinking of java moss and some hardy easy grass like plant (haven't decided yet or researched all types)
  30. Reaeve

    New to the fishy hobby!

    Would a kh and gh water test kit tell me my hardness?
  31. Reaeve

    New to the fishy hobby!

    Thank you. The mixing of pure water would probably be easiest and safest. I just need to figure my actual numbers.
  32. Reaeve

    New to the fishy hobby!

    If i have hard water and want to keep tetras would pillow softeners work?
  33. Reaeve

    New to the fishy hobby!

    Would I look at just the mesurment of calcium and magnesium. Or carbonate or other minerals? It has a list of minerals unit is mg/l. Calcium is 55.4 mg/l magnesium is 30.3 mg/l Carbonate is 263 mg/ I think my water is very hard but I'm unsure. I know we have a lot of mineral build up we have to...
  34. Reaeve

    New to the fishy hobby!

    Ok. Good to know! Thanks
  35. Reaeve

    New to the fishy hobby!

    Is it possible to feed frogs with long feeding tongs? Hmmm I'll have to look and see if I want hard water or soft water fish. I know my water is hard but I'll have to look up the measurement and units.
  36. Reaeve

    New to the fishy hobby!

    Hi! I'm nervous about starting this new adventure. I'm just scared I'll mess up and kill my future little friends. Probably bc when I had fish as a kid/teen i knew nothing of cycling and testing waters. I have a 37 gal top fin kit. That came with a 200 watt heater, 40 power filter, and other...
  37. Reaeve

    Looking for any advice as I'm new to the hobby. I haven't set up my tank yet. I'm waiting for...

    Looking for any advice as I'm new to the hobby. I haven't set up my tank yet. I'm waiting for the stand to be delivered then I'll cycle it.