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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Tool13x

    Paradise Fish compatability with Barbs and Danios?

    Thanks Byron, yes this is quite an active tank. Any recommendations for a fish that would be a better fit? I was just looking for something to add to act as kind of a showpiece. I have shoals of Danios and Barbs but I'd like to have a single or pair of unique fish in that tank. I used to have a...
  2. Tool13x

    Paradise Fish compatability with Barbs and Danios?

    I have a 55 gallon planted tank that is currently stocked with Rosy Barbs, Odessa Barbs, Leopard Danios, Oto cats, and Zebra Loaches. Would I be able to put a Paradise fish or Dwarf Gouarami in there with the current stocking without any issues? I can relocate the Otos to another tank if need...
  3. Tool13x

    Multiple male Apistogramma community tank?

    This is why I am asking these questions, the 1 cichlid per tank rule always seems to be the safest bet and I have always followed that. But I have also read in multiple instances that Apisto males can be kept together if because Apistogramma do not display as much conspecific aggression outside...
  4. Tool13x

    Multiple male Apistogramma community tank?

    I have a 40g breeder I would like to turn into a South American community tank with a male Apistogramma Cacatuoides, some Otocinclus catfish and perhaps some Corydoras. My original plan was to also have a harem of female A. cacatuoides in the tank but they are very difficult to find locally. I...
  5. Tool13x

    African Community Tank stocking ideas.

    Is there a better schooling fish for this tank that would work better than the Congos? It wouldnt kill me to not have Congos in the tank (especially at $11.99 per fish locally) but Im having trouble coming up with anything else. Ill keep an eye out for some of the other species, but it will...
  6. Tool13x

    African Community Tank stocking ideas.

    I am trying to put together a stock list for a 55 gallon community tank and hoping for some input. I already have an Amazon River biotope and I was hoping to do a Congo biotope for this one, or at the very least stick with African species. The tank will be planted, sunken driftwood, and...
  7. Tool13x

    Gender ID Apistogramma cacatuoides

    Can anyone tell me what the sex is for this fish. I suspect I have a sneaker male on my hands. I bought this fish which looked very female at the lfs. I am trying to build a harem for my male in one of my tanks. After being alone in a quarantine tank for the last couple of weeks it seems...
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  11. Tool13x

    South American tank stocking suggestions?

    Well I just happened to have finally found a few A. cacatuoides at a semi local shop. I am pretty pumped, Ive been calling around for about 2 months for any Apisto species and the pickings have been pretty slim. I was able to pick up this nice male and what I hope is a female, can anyone...
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  16. Tool13x

    South American tank stocking suggestions?

    Both those tanks look great! What do you use for leaf litter? I believe my water sprite is Ceratopteris thalictroides and I must say after seeing C. cornuta I prefer the latter. The thinner leaves of C. thalictroides seem to make it more of a floating jumble where the broader leaves of C...
  17. Tool13x

    South American tank stocking suggestions?

    Thats a great tip, I was hoping to place the plants where the surface vegetation is naturally pushed away by the HOB discharge but that might not work out as planned forever. Ill keep that in mind. As far as frogbit is concerned I have heard before that it is very particular about wet leaves...
  18. Tool13x

    South American tank stocking suggestions?

    I have some floating water sprite I can use for now but I would like to get some Amazon Frogbit. I am considering amazon swords and jungle val for plants but Im sure I need to be careful where I plant them to make sure the light isnt blocked by the frogbit. Are there any low light South...
  19. Tool13x

    DIY cement 3D background curing advice

    Here are a few progress pics of the background before the curing disaster.
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  22. Tool13x

    DIY cement 3D background curing advice

    I agree, that would have been a good step to take, unfortunately that ship has sailed. I did let it cure for about 5 days before I filled it with water but in hindsight It probably could have used some more time and it might have prevented this mess. When I removed the background I found some...
  23. Tool13x

    South American tank stocking suggestions?

    I have definitely given that some thought, Id like to have a community tank to keep them in and perhaps move them to a breeder tank to spawn when the time comes. Darn, I was hoping to hear they would be ok together. I was worried about the territorial issues but I really love having Corys in...
  24. Tool13x

    South American tank stocking suggestions?

    I have a 30 gallon (36"x12"x18") I want to set up with South American fish. The main fish I want to eventually have in there are Apistogramma. They are very hard to find here but they they do turn up every now and then. Ideally Id like to have a harem (1m,3f) of Cacatuoides or Macmasteri...
  25. Tool13x

    DIY cement 3D background curing advice

    Well this is a learning experience for sure, I was toying with the idea of trying to seal the cement with an epoxy or other waterproof sealer and decided that wasnt the best route. With the background siliconed to the back of the tank it would be pretty difficult to make sure all the crevices...
  26. Tool13x

    DIY cement 3D background curing advice

    Funny you say that. I was considering a Tanganyikan setup because of this mess, too bad its only a 30gal otherwise I might go for it. Shell dwellers could still be an option i suppose... That was what I thought originally, I must have read more than a dozen times that it will eventually cure...
  27. Tool13x

    DIY cement 3D background curing advice

    I have just recently attempted a DIY 3D background made from polystyrene and coated in cement, basically the same idea as you see here from the King of DIY. The construction went well and I am in the curing process but I am on week 6 and the pH is still rising. I let the cement cure for a few...
  28. Tool13x

    30 gal Apisto. tank

    I have been looking for something to do with a 30 gallon tank thats been sitting empty for a while, and I have been leaning towards an Apistogamma tank. I was really hoping to find Cacatuoides around but no such luck. I have been able to find: Apisto Tefe Apisto Agassizi Apisto Nijsseni Apisto...
  29. Tool13x

    Tank Stocking Suggestions

    Agreed, I was getting a bit worried because I asked the staff if they had N. Beckfordi or E. Dageti in the store and if they stock them on occasion. The answer was no, they said I was the first customer to ask for either of those species in years and whenever they get certain species of...
  30. Tool13x

    Tank Stocking Suggestions

    I am having trouble finding many of the species mentioned in this thread at any LFS. Ive put together a list of fish that were suggested to me and are definitely available locally for purchase. If anyone sees something on this list that they feel is a bad idea please let me know and I will...
  31. Tool13x

    Tank Stocking Suggestions

    Think I'd have any problems between the Rummy nose and the Rosy barbs? I know I can find Rummys around here, I'm not having much luck finding any of the previously suggested species.
  32. Tool13x

    Tank Stocking Suggestions

    Yes I do remember you mentioning that, and thats a good point with the Gourami probably being agitated by the barbs. The Bolivian does seem to be happy with its Barb tankmates, he stays down towards the substrate for the most part (as to be expected) and I will catch him every once in a while...
  33. Tool13x

    Tank Stocking Suggestions

    Update: In a new turn of events I have recently re-homed my Bristlenose and replaced him with a team of 5 Oto catfish and I am very happy with the change. The bristlenose never seemed to leave underside of the bogwood (even at night) and I would never see him except when moving the wood to...
  34. Tool13x

    Newbie looking for plant suggestions

    Very informative, it makes more senses to me now, thank you. It sounds like I'd be much better off with one of those 6500K lights then. I think I'll probably go with the DA6500k, its rated at the same lumen as the FSPEC but different temperature. It looks like the 1watt LEDs in the high lumen...
  35. Tool13x

    Newbie looking for plant suggestions

    I keep coming back to these Beamswork Lights, Ive been researching them the past couple of days and I found a fantastic writeup with PAR data comparing that Full Spectrum with a 6500K High Lumen, They also have a 6500K standard fixture which seems to be less problematic. They seem pretty...
  36. Tool13x

    Newbie looking for plant suggestions

    Thats awesome, I was just looking at some Monte Carlo earlier today at my LFS and I almost bought it. Maybe I will pick some up on my next visit.
  37. Tool13x

    Newbie looking for plant suggestions

    Looks like fun, Ill give it some thought. Ideally Id like to get my lighting sorted out and let my plants fill in before I go showcasing, but it couldnt hurt to throw an entry in there.
  38. Tool13x

    Newbie looking for plant suggestions

    Perhaps the Finnex stingray or the Koval is a better choice for the money? I know any of these aren't The best lights on the market but they have good reviews. I guess The main question is am I better off with one of these budget LEDs or swapping the Aqueon T8 bulbs for the better ones you...
  39. Tool13x

    Tank Stocking Suggestions

    I see, all I have found so far locally is Aplocheilus blockii. I am going to keep looking for Epiplatys dageti, I think they are great looking fish. If I do happen to find them is a mixed group of males and females ok? It looks like a half dozen is recemmended. Should I try to maintain a...
  40. Tool13x

    Newbie looking for plant suggestions

    Here we are, this is what I have so far. I think I will be upgrading my light so I have more options on getting some low lying plants for the foreground. Oh and the Spiralis is probably going to be swapped out, turns out Rosy Barbs think its pretty tasty.