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  1. S

    Emaciated Cory with bent spine?

    Also just as a side note, there was no reddening of the gills/increased respiration in the little guy, just the worsening spine deformity and emaciation
  2. S

    Emaciated Cory with bent spine?

    Hmm, I do 40-50% water changes every week with prime, ammonia is 0, nitrites are 0 and nitrates are between 5 and 10 ppm. I also clean the gravel and carbon filter cartridge weekly. I performed a fishless cycle over he course of a couple months before I introduced fish. I realize my tank is...
  3. S

    Emaciated Cory with bent spine?

    Hi all! I’m new to fishforums and have a question about my cories! I had 4 Cory cats (two peppered, two panda) when I stocked my 5.5 gallon 6 months ago. I also have a male dwarf gourami. The pandas and gourami are happy and healthy! But my first peppered cat seemed to have gotten stuck and...