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  1. M

    30 year old catfish, want to put him in a larger tank.

    Thanks for the advice. Big Old Catfish is in the new big tank and doing great.
  2. M

    30 year old catfish, want to put him in a larger tank.

    I had no clue! Thank you for the info on the drip acclimation. Id be so upset if i killed this guy. Im going to wait a few days since i just moved the large tank from my office to my home. I did move ALL the water. Ill most likely check the water chemistry in both tanks again to be...
  3. M

    Forum newb, but not to the hobby.

    Im 40, been keeping fish since i was 9. Recently posted a question about my 30 year old catfish and moving him to a larger planted tank.
  4. M

    30 year old catfish, want to put him in a larger tank.

    Im new here, years ago as a child with no internet, i read every and any book i could get my hands on about fish keeping. A new situation is giving me pause. I have had a catfish since i was 10 years old, im 40 now. So, do the math. I obviously take very good care of my pets! I have had...