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  1. C

    My guppy's bizarre black spot.

    My guppy does the exact same thing i dont get it. Its a green dot rn but will be black later
  2. 20180126_182954-1.jpg


  3. C

    Guppy fish help

    Here's what he looks like he swims to fast to get a good pic
  4. Capture+_2018-01-09-16-31-07.png


  5. C

    Guppy fish help

    So I've had a 10 gallon tank for a while that has 3 guppies a couple gouramies and some mollies. i recently switched over to a 30 gallon after letting it filter through for a week. All of my fish seem fine except my one guppy has some red striping around its head and its tail has turned black...