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  1. T

    Stocking Questions

    thank you, i’ll do more research. i might just do a tank of all guppies, 5-6 males.
  2. T

    Stocking Questions

    hello:) I am getting a 10 gallon leader tank and i was wondering if it would be okay to put Dwarf Gourami(s) and guppies in the same tank? i’d like to maybe have a pair or D. gouramis, but okay if not.
  3. T

    New 10 gallon tank

    the dimensions of the tank are 20 x 11 x 13 (L, D, H) . I haven’t gotten the tank yet, so I haven’t cycled it or checked parameters.
  4. T

    New 10 gallon tank

    Hello! I am fairly new to the fish hobby, i’ve had my dragon scale betta since june 2017 and he is living happily in a 2.7 gallon tank. I’m going to buy a 10 gallon tank, and i’m wondering which fish/how many would be best for it. I like guppies, and i might do an all male guppy tank, but i also...