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  1. Dannielleallen

    African dwarf frogs tank mates

    Thats great to hear. Thank you.
  2. Dannielleallen

    African dwarf frogs tank mates

    They are definitely african dwarf frogs, their front ‘hands’ are webbed, 2 havent grown much either since i bought them. The top is covered with dwarf water lettuce so has a lot of hangong roots up high to, theres also java fern and 2 bunches of something else i cant remember the name of. Thank...
  3. Dannielleallen

    African dwarf frogs tank mates

    Thank you for your response, i have danios in another tank so wouldnt want the same again. Ive not seen any golden killifish available near me, i know i can get the Aphyosemion Bivittatum/rainbow killi and the Gardneri Killi. I’ll look in to them some more. My smallest frog at the moment is...
  4. Dannielleallen

    African dwarf frogs tank mates

    Hi all, Ive had my african dwarf frogs for 6 months, i have 3 in a 65L tank. So far they have been in there own tank but i am thinking of adding some small fish, some middle to top swimmers, i really like the clown killifish but was wondering if they could be to small and become frogs food? Im...
  5. Dannielleallen

    Unidentifiable hitchhiker

    Eewww, hate spiders... the woods been in there a few months and not seen it there before, was boiled before i out it in. Since I’ve taken it out the water its dried and shrivelled up.
  6. Dannielleallen

    Unidentifiable hitchhiker

    I feed hiraki mini pellets (not sure on spelling, out at mo) its on an auto feeder, set to once a day on the smallest setting, its about half a pinch.
  7. Dannielleallen

    Unidentifiable hitchhiker

    hi all, New to the group. I was doing my weekly water change/gravel vac and decor clean when i noticed a strange life form on a piece of wood, ive had the wood there for a few months (about5) but this is the first of what ever it is ive noticed on it. Ive taken the wood straight out as not...
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