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  1. S

    adding large quantity of tetras

    Thanks. They are runny nose.
  2. S

    adding large quantity of tetras

    I added two small (quarter sized) angelfish on Thursday. I was expecting the tetras to avoid the angelfish, but the tetras are going after them. Do the angelfish need more time to establish themselves, or do I need bigger fish? Ridley
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    adding large quantity of tetras

    Well I did 4 water changes in all today, and the nitrites are down to .25. I was so relieved to get a test that wasn’t neon purple finally. I’m sure I’m not out of the woods yet, but I put some stress coat and prime after the last water change so hopefully the everything is going to get...
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    adding large quantity of tetras

    Thanks I’m really disappointed this happened. I just did a 80% change and my nitrites still haven’t gone down
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    adding large quantity of tetras

    Ok I really have found the issue. My nitrite tests were starting out purple, then fading to blue after 5 mins before adding fish. According to other websites, this indicates nitrite levels that are off the charts, not in check. Apparently, a test for nitrate should never have a purple...
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    adding large quantity of tetras

    I think I may know what the problem is. I added a lot of driftwood to the aquarium 3 days prior to adding the fish. My ph dropped considerably to 6.0. I brought the ph back up to the 7.0 range. I bet that threw my system out of whack
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    adding large quantity of tetras

    Yes I feel terrible. I still don’t understand how the filter was processing 3-4 ppm of ammonia with no trace of nitrite in 24 hours. Now feeding the fish sparingly has caused nitrites to rise so high. I didn’t feed the fish yesterday, have done (2)40-50% water changes, and readings still...
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    adding large quantity of tetras

    Thanks! I’m following the fertilization recommendation from the no co2 section of the Barr report forum, have a funnel 24/7 light, and dose excel. Oneof my fish has an issue. The visible white spot is also on the other side of his body (same location). Can someone tell me what it is?
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    adding large quantity of tetras

    Here they are, in all their threatened glory
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    adding large quantity of tetras

    The fish are doing awesome - all have bright red heads, they are schooling together and eating well! Its only the water i'm worried about Ridley
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    adding large quantity of tetras

    I did about a 30-40% water change this morning, then tested again. Nitrites were still at the same level to my dismay/surprise (I tested twice). I promptly hauled ass to petsmart to get some prime and dumped in three capfuls. Ammonia is still 0.0, I probably made a mistake by feeding them...
  13. S

    Spray bar hole size and spacing

    Heres my exposed jets. Surely this is enough pressure?
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  15. S

    adding large quantity of tetras

    I’ve just added my tetras, and I’ve been testing my water every 6 hours or so. Ammonia has held steady at 0, but nitrites have risen to .5, and they’ve held steady there for about 24 hours. Should I add some prime, or give it a little more time to see if it drops? The teras all give bright...
  16. S

    Spray bar hole size and spacing

    Well, all i can say is all of my plants throughout are gently waving around now. with the 3/16" holes, some seemed to be blowing around too hard. Its an fx4 filter, so its a decent sized filter. ridley
  17. S

    Spray bar hole size and spacing

    Thank you , I ended up going up to 1/4" holes, every 2 inches on the 36" long bar. It seems to be just right - Will know when I get some fish in there tomorrow.
  18. S

    Spray bar hole size and spacing

    Thanks everyone. I just tried a second spraybar, using smaller holes every 2” (total length about 36”) and I think I have too much flow. I’m going to have some angelfish in here, do I need to reduce flow significantly, a little bit, or very significantly? My guess is that I should enlarge...
  19. S

    Spray bar hole size and spacing

    Can someone give me a suggestion on hole size and spacing for a diy spraybar? I’m running an fx4 on a 75 gallon tank. I’m going to have plants, apistos angels and tetras in it. I’ve made one attempt with 1/4” holes 1” apart, and it seems like there isn’t enough flow. Bar is 3/4” pvc (1” in...
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    adding large quantity of tetras

    I’ll post one when they’re in! Thanks for the advice everyone
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    adding large quantity of tetras

    sorry, you're right. it is a 75 gallon tank.
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    adding large quantity of tetras

    I believe i'll be finishing my cycle shortly, and the first fish im going to add are 50 rummynose tetras. if my bio filter is processing 4 ppm of ammonia in 24 hours, will that be enough to transition this many fish into my aquarium at once? I'm planning to have seachem Prime on hand to...
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    Cycling status

    Well, I probably should have figured that out on my Own! Thanks! I’m getting nitrite readings now. Ammonia is dropping pretty fast after dosing as well.
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    Cycling status

    Yes I’m adding equilibrium, kno3 and kh2po4.
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    Cycling status

    I think the ammonia has been reducing slowly after doses. I haven’t been keeping that close of an eye on it, but am going to start now. Thanks for your help everyone!
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    Cycling status

    0 ppm nitrates in the tap water. I put a dirty filter from my neighbor in the tank last weekend. Maybe that filter had a bunch of nitrite consumers but no ammonia consumers? I also added the seachem stability for about 5 days last week.
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    Cycling status

    Thank you! So it’s possible to have nitrates without nitrites?
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    Cycling status

    Hi, I just tested my water. i have 2.0 ppm of ammonia, zero nitrite and 40 ppm of nitrates. I would have thought at this point there would be some nitrites? My ph is low at 6.0 and I’ve just added baking soda. I’m doing a fish less cycle. I added ammonia several days ago. nothing in the...
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    CO2 and fertilizer -- what kind should I use?

    Do you have any experience or opinion on hey Dutch, do you have an opinion on this system?
  30. S

    Tank and filter

    ok, thanks. one guy said that there could be some issue with the water flow and recommended using a canister filter on the outside. thanks!
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    Tank and filter

    Thanks Sean, I mean there are two holes drilled into the bottom corner for an 2 pvc pipes - one for water going into the filter and one for water going back into the tanks. i'm specifically looking at the 90 gallon cube tank by marineland.
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    Tank and filter

    Hi, is it possible to use a canister filter with a drilled tank? i'm getting conflicting answers from my two LFS's. One says canister is fine, other says that i would need one of those filters usually used for saltwater tanks. thanks Ridley