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  1. S

    Lighting upgrade and Fluval Roma 125

    I have a Fluval Roma 125L tank which I’m looking to upgrade the 2xT8 tubes in. The problem I’m having is this tank doesn’t seem very amenable to this. It has a thick plastic frame around the top and the T8 fitting sits on this. I was thinking I could put 2x Fluval Aquasky lights in as a...
  2. S

    Stocking and nitrates

    Many thanks for your long and considered post. Much appreciated and has given me plenty to think about.
  3. S

    Stocking and nitrates

    Hello, I've two questions concerning stocking and about nitrate levels: In the tank so far, which is 125L, 80cm long: 8 Cardinal Tetra 4 Honey Gourami 1 German Blue Ram The tank has 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and 3ppm nitrate. The nitrates don't really seem to rise. The tank has been stocked...
  4. S

    Fishless cycle with fish food?

    I'm just starting out and tried to do the same, the person in a local aquarium shop suggested it wasn't working too well as modern food has a lot of addivtives to prevent decomposing and hence create the ammonia. Don't know if they are right but I'm using ammonia solution instead now.