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  1. R

    60 gallon stocking? Help!?

    I recently got my 60 gallon tank and I’m not sure what to stock it with. I have 1 male and 1 female dwarf gourami who greatly need an upgrade from their 30 gallon tank. I would love to put them along with a red tail shark and possibly 2 more female dwarf gourami into the 60 gallon. I’d also like...
  2. R

    Stocking Gourami for 30 Gallon tank

    Hey guys, I’m getting my largest tank yet soon, and I’m hoping I can snag a 75 gallon, but I’m having trouble finding one for a reasonable price. I’m thinking I’ll have to settle for a 30 gallon. I’ve completely fallen in love with my dwarf Gourami I received after a friend of mine couldn’t keep...
  3. R

    What size tank should I keep an African dwarf frog?

    Hey guys I have a 3.5 gallon tank right now and I saw some African dwarf frogs at the store the other day and I thought they looked so cool! I haven't bought one, but I would like to. I've kept freshwater invertebrates before, so I have a little experience, just not with african dwarf frogs...
  4. R

    How many Dwarf Gourami in 10 gallon tank?

    I've been wanting to keep dwarf gourami for a long time, and right now I have an empty cycled planted tank. I've been looking at different fish, and I really would like to keep dwarf gourami, however I don't want to put them in a tank that is too small. How many Dwarf gourami, if any, should I...
  5. R


    I have never used an ammonia neutralizer, so I wouldn't know. I am fairly new to the hobby, as I've been keeping fish for around a year now. However, from what I've come to understand, regular water changes will help keep ammonia levels down, as well as adding some plants.
  6. R

    Am I over stocking my tank?

    Thank you so much! I appreciate the advice. I will return the fish and get some more corys :)
  7. R

    Am I over stocking my tank?

    Oh yes those are the fish I bought. I will take them back. The woman at the pet store sold them to me as zebra tetra. I don't want them to be unhealthy or unhappy.
  8. R

    Am I over stocking my tank?

    Thank you for your advice! I have an extra tank I can move the gourami to if I need to. I read online that they were a social fish so I got the female a while after I had gotten the male. Both tetras are zebra tetras. I change the water 1-2 times a week. I'm not sure what's appropriate. I do...
  9. R


    A female betta will oftentimes be more dull and have shorter fins, however some males have shorter fins as well. If your betta is a male, I would not recommend keeping him with other fish. Females are generally less aggressive. If you change the water (25%) often, (I change all of my tanks water...
  10. R

    Am I over stocking my tank?

    Hey guys! I'm pretty new at the fish keeping hobby, and I appreciate all constructive criticism and advice :) As of right now, I have a 10 gallon tank with one female dwarf gouriami, one male dwarf gouriami, two tetras, one albino Cory catfish and one spotted Cory catfish. I was wondering if I...