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  1. T

    Whats your favorite tetra and why?

    We've had a peaceful school of serpae tetras (red minor tetras) for about 4 years. Hardy as heck and very pretty to look at - we haven't lost a single one in all that time! They are in with zebra danios and a big school of cory cats. Over many years, we've had rummynose, cardinals, black neons...
  2. T

    TV watching....what service(s) do you use for your TV watching

    We cut the cord earlier this year. We already had Netflix, Hulu (not live TV, just on demand streaming) and Amazon Prime (mostly for the shipping benefits but there are some great shows we've watched as well). When we got rid of DirecTV, we added live TV through PSVue. We also have AT&T Watch...
  3. T

    Help stocking 60 gallon

    Thanks, Byron. Yes, we can find the platies another home. Our current tank is lightly planted and the plan is for the larger tank to be same, with gravel as the substrate and a good amount of hidey hole type decorations. I prefer easy keepers and schooling right now I'm thinking about...
  4. T

    Help stocking 60 gallon

    Sorry, tried to edit my earlier post. Used different test strips - pH is still 7.0, KH is 80, GH is 60.
  5. T

    Help stocking 60 gallon

    Thanks, Byron! GH is 2, pH 7.0 Also wanted to mention it's a long tank and we have a canister filter rated for 80 gallons. We'll also be running the existing tank filter for a few weeks but will eventually only be using the canister.
  6. T

    Help stocking 60 gallon

    We are upgrading from a mature 30 gallon to a 60 gallon tank. We'll be increasing our Neon Tetra school to 10 and Cory cats to 8. We also have 7 Platys. Any suggestions for additional fish to add?